Halsey Hall Chapter
Society for American Baseball Research
Board of Directors Meeting
August 7, 1985
Minutes read
Treasurer report - $258 according to bank; $9 discrepancy. Will resolve.
Officers reports
Secretary – membership summary
President – publicity, to meet with Dave Mona
Committee reports
Convention committee – President will contact John DiMeglio, tell him to submit bid for 1989 convention.
Events committee
Fall meeting survey: Sentiment in favor of 10-19 and 11-2 dates about even. Directors decided to meet Oct. 19. Bob Evans to check out Mangini’s in St. Paul plus others. He and Andy Lurth will arrange speakers and format.
Unfinished business – none.
New business – Gary Clendennen appointed as newsletter editor. Bob Tholkes to contact.
Newsletter: membership directory included.
Discussion of responses to request for suggestions.
Next directors’ meeting October 6 at Fred Souba’s.