Halsey Hall Chapter
Society for American Baseball Research

Board of Directors Meeting

December 15, 1985

Called to order by Stew Thornley
Moment of silence for recently deceased Burleigh Grimes and Roger Maris


Treasurer’s report – Balance under $200.  Service charge to operate.  Suggestions: loans to treasury sufficient to reach $200; prepayment of 1986 dues; treasure keep funds in personal account.  It was moved by Andy Lurth and seconded by Fred Souba to accept $100 loans from Stew Thornley and Alden Mean to provide $200 base for treasury.

It was suggested that at the spring meeting the membership should be asked to increase our dues, unless the newsletter is to become bimonthly.

Officer reports
Vice President – Effort to be included on voting board of proposed Minnesota Sports Hall of Fame continuing.  Inquiry about enrollment of new members in mid-year was answered by decision that full $5 fee should be charged, as it is used for newsletters.

Secretary – No new members

Events – Bob Evans not present.  Fall meeting netted $30 for treasury.  Fred Souba moved and Andy Lurth seconded vote of thanks to Bob Evans for fine job of organizing of October regional meeting.

Newsletter – Gary Clendennen described printing and postage costs for newsletter; he believes costs to be at minimal level.  Suggested asking for volunteer sponsors of future newsletters.  Suggested special editions as well as monthly editions.  Suggested subscriptions to newsletter for non-members.  Moved by Alden Mead and seconded by Fred Souba that newsletter subscriptions be opened to the general public at $7.55 per year.

Changing the masthead of the newsletter was discussed.  President Thornley will contact Howard Thornley about a design.

Convention – New executive director Lloyd Johnson of Cooperstown.  He has been approached by John DiMeglio.  Bob Tholkes reported that he and Stew Thornley had met with Tom Mee of the Twins to arrange a letter of support from the Twins.

Andy Lurth moved and Bob Tholkes seconded a motion that a subcommittee be formed to obtain designation of the Twin Cities as the 1989 SABR convention site by the 1986 SABR business meeting.  John DiMeglio, Fred Souba, Bob Tholkes, and Stew Thornley were appointed.

Chicago convention attendance – Paul Rittenhouse reported that the convention date had not yet been sent and on bus rates.  An insert for a future newsletter is planned.

Unfinished business - none

New business – Spring meeting: Moved by Alden Mead, seconded by Andy Lurth motion to have meeting on May 10.  The following offers of assistance were made: Publicity – Stew Thornley, Gary Clendennen.  Speakers – John DiMeglio.  Quiz – John DiMeglio  Presentations – Andy Lurth.  Site – Alden Mead.  These offers will be coordinated with Events committee chair Bob Evans.

Meeting adjourned.