Halsey Hall Chapter
Society for American Baseball Research

Board of Directors Meeting
Ken Ottoson home, Minneapolis

April 5, 1987

President Tholkes presiding – brought to order 9:26 a.m.

Present: Terry Bohn, Gary Clendennen, Alan Holst, Andy Lurth, Ken Ottoson, Bob Tholkes, Stew Thornley

Guest: Bob Evans, director emeritus

Death of Howard Thornley, charter member, duly noted

Minutes of the February 1, 1987 chapter meeting read and approved

Officer Reports
Secretary – 52 members are paid and on our roster as of today

Treasurer – Report, showing balance of $283.83, read and accepted subject to audit.  Renewal forms will be developed in time for spring regional by Tholkes.  A discussion of raising dues to finance further projects showed a firm consensus NOT to do.

Committee Reports
Softball – only 7 to 8 are interested; therefore, a formal team is dismissed.

Cable TV Show – Still alive.  Thornley suggested practicing on cable with KTCA as a goal.  At this point, Holst arrived on time, 9:50 AM CST (we were on daylight time).  First step identified – find people to be there day of taping.  Need 5 to make it worthwhile.  Holst and Thornley will arrange a date, to be announced at May regional.  Need an ideological contrast in panel members.  Will publicize through general notes in paper.  Potential debate topics include:
Should pitchers be eligible to win the MVP award?
How capable a commissioner is Peter Ueberroth?
Is there collusion against free agent movement?
How serious a drug problem does baseball have?

Hot Stove League Banquet – Good table with sign.  Should pursue another trade next year.  Save the Met flyer in Holy Cow for table at banquet.

1987 Spring Regional – Holst will send out news releases.  16 paid attendees, 2 presenters, as of today.  Would be nice to practice the TV show on a dry run.  Panel?  Still up in the air.  Yankees have a team rule against on-field personnel speaking, but have open option of others.  Will try and borrow a film and projector from Twins.

1988 Convention – Andy MacPhail now has next season’s tentative schedule – Holst will check on later.  We still have no need to confirm dates until Stppember.  Idea – bring in Prudential Old-Timers to play Twins Old-Timers.  Is there any interest in the “My Favorite Game” memory book?

Old Business

New Business
Various names were kicked about to fill the four open board seats.  Holst suggests a postcard mailing for non-dues payers in August.

Next meeting – June 7, 1987 – old and new board members – site to be determined.

Meeting adjourned 11:30 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Andy Lurth, Secretary-Treasurer

Minutes approved May 2, 1987