Halsey Hall Chapter
Society for American Baseball Research
Chapter Meeting
Normandy Motor Inn, Minneapolis, Minnesota
May 2, 1987
President Tholkes presiding – brought to order 11:22 a.m.
26 people have signed in before the meeting.
Minutes of April 5, 1987 directors meeting read and approved
Treasurers report, showing a balance of $281.53, read and accepted subject to audit.
Committee Reports
Publicity – Holst sent out press releases about this meeting; notice did appear in the Star Tribune.
1988 Convention – 1988 tentative Twins schedule showed they will be playing home only two weekends in July. Uncertain what team will play.
Membership – 56 active as of today. No opposition to new members paying today being 87-88 members. September 1, 1987 will be the cutoff for unpaid prior members from chapter roster.
Events – Bohn thanked for organizing this meeting.
Old Business
New Business
Retiring directors commented on their experiences.
The following members were nominated (in order nominated): Jim Wyman, Bob Tholkes, Stew Thornley, Joe O’Connell, Alden Mead
It was then moved, seconded, and approved that nominations cease.
The meeting then recessed for lunch at 12:08 p.m.
The meeting resumed at 12:58 p.m. with Secretary-Treasurer Lurth presiding.
All candidates had the opportunity for candidacy speeches.
The election was held. Following chapter wishes, vote totals were not released.
In alphabetical order, the following were elected:
Joe O’Connell
Bob Tholkes
Stew Thornley
Jim Wyman
A joint meeting of the old and new directors will happen June 14, 1987 at 9:00 a.m.
A motion was approved to adjourn at 1:18 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Andy Lurth, Secretary-Treasurer
Minutes approved June 7, 1987