Halsey Hall Chapter of SABR
Board of Directors Meeting, October 3, 2004
At the home of Chuck Blomquist
Present: Stew Thornley, Howard Luloff, Rich Arpi, Gregg Omoth, Rex Hamann, Tom Swift, Chuck Blomquist
The minutes of the August 8, Board of Directors Meeting were approved.
Consent Reports
The following reports were filed prior to the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
Rich Arpi, Treasurer
The balance in the bank account is $833.56. This does not yet reflect the $181 reimbursement to be made to webmaster Dean Thilgen for the annual fees for our web-hosting service and our domain name. Nineteen members have now paid to receive the paper copy of the newsletter for 2004-05. We also send out issues to the SABR office and the Minnesota Historical Society for a total of 21 paper copies.
Convention Proposal
Stew Thornley
On August 14, 2004, we submitted a proposal to host the SABR convention in 2007 or 2008. Cecilia Tan, chair of the National Convention Committee, acknowledged our proposal and said they do not yet have a timetable for making decisions on future conventions. She will keep us informed about the status of our proposal.
Events Committee
Howard Luloff, Chair
The RSVPs are coming in for the Fall Chapter Meeting, and I have 10 people on the list of attendees. Also, there are two confirmed research presentations; Rex Hamann’s
gravesite tour and Dan Levitt on Ed Barrow and the Yankee salaries of the 1920s and 1930s.
The Gophers Player Panel for the afternoon has six players confirmed: Glenn Gostick, Woody Erickson, Ron Causton, Don Evans, Bill Davis, and Greg Wasick.
With the 2005 Twins schedule slated to be released soon, it should give us an idea of when to hold our Spring Meeting.
Membership Committee
Stew Thornley, Chair
We receive a regular report from the SABR office of new members, and we are sending out a welcome to those in our chapter area.
Book Club
Tom Swift, Chair
The Halsey Hall Chapter Book Club met on Saturday, July 31, to discuss Sandy Koufax: A Leftys Legacy by Jane Leavy. Regulars present included Rich Arpi, Jim Sexton, Art Mugalian, Gregg Omoth, Stew Thornley, Tom Swift, visiting longtime member Alan Holst, first-time attendee Dan Vatterott, and new SABR members Kyle Eliason and Josh Leventhal. The next meeting will be at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, October 9, at the Barnes & Noble Galleria coffee shop in Edina, located one block south of Southdale shopping center. For directions, call 952-920-0633. The book to be read is The Numbers Game by
Alan Schwarz, recently published in hardcover. The book club is open to all chapter members, whether or not they have read the book (there are no quizzes). Future book selection suggestions are always welcome.
Bob Tholkes, Chair
The Quicksteps finished their season on September 19. The nine played 12 events before an estimated 1,275 spectators, probably a record. The roster lists 23 participants of greatly varying degrees of activity, including 15 local SABR members. An unusual number of match fees, management’s frugality, and the splendid availability of volunteer help enabled the treasury to also reach a record $1,211.24 at season’s end.
The Quicksteps will hold their 2005 planning meeting on October 23 at 4 p.m. (or following the chapter regional) at either my house or at the church. As usual, membership input will be sought through sending an advance agenda/questionnaire.
Holy Cow Extra
Bob Tholkes, Editor
No contributions or inquiries received in several months. I suggest dropping it from the list of current activities. Assuming that the editorship is an annual appointment, I will not accept reappointment.
Consent Discussion Items
Stew Thornley requested that reports be written in the third person and be submitted to him on time so he can make them part of the Consent Agenda for upcoming Board Meetings. He would also like reports prior to the October 23rd Chapter Meeting.
Events Committee - October 23 Fall Chapter Meeting
1) Howard Luloff presented two options for flyers announcing the Chapter Meeting. One was accepted and copies were included with the Newsletter, which was prepared for mailing.
2) Details regarding the mechanism of regulating presentations (timing etc.), the development of handouts containing “bios” of the U of M panelists, getting RSVPs from attendees, food and drink acquisition, and the collection of fees at registration to cover expenses were discussed.
New Business
Rich Arpi indicated he will not continue as Newsletter editor when his term expires at the end of 2004. He suggested that since 120 of 150 Halsey Hall members have email, a monthly email letter with a paper News letter once or twice a year might be sufficient. The Board decided to get in-put regarding this issue at the October 23 Chapter Meeting and reconsider the issue at the December Board Meeting.
By-laws Amendments
Election Process - the formation of a nominating committee as an approach to opening the election process more widely was considered. This idea will be discussed further at the Chapter Meeting.
A motion to raise the treasurer’s appropriation limit without Board review to $200 was made by Tom Swift, seconded by Rich Arpi and passed by the Board.
Dates for Future Events
January 22 or January 29, 2005, were discussed as possible dates for the Hot Stove Meeting. A decision will be made later to ensure the date does not conflict with Twins Fest or the Super Bowl.
Possible dates for the Spring Chapter Meeting were discussed. May 21 (Twins vs. Brewers) was the consensus first choice; other possibilities were April 30 (Twins vs Anaheim) and May 14 (Twins vs. Texas).
Tom Swift indicated he would post any change from the October 9 date for the next Book Club Meeting on the e-list.
The next Board Meeting with be Saturday, December 4, at 8:30 a.m. at Bakers Square, 66th and Xerxes.