Spring Chapter Business Meeting
May 14, 2011
Grace Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Called at 12:31 p.m. by President Kevin Hennessy
1. Approval of Fall Chapter business meeting minutes: approved, moved Tholkes, 2nd O'Connell
2. Treasurer's Report: balance $506.76
3. Events Chair report (Luloff): Meetings were held January 29, the informal SABR Day gathering, and today, the Spring regional meeting. Discussions: 1) Should the Fall regional be moved from Grace Lutheran, the usual first choice, due to construction on Washington Avenue? Doug Ernst, site coordinator, noted that the church will still be accessible. 2) scheduling of future spring regionals: Kevin Hennessy noted that the Twins now require that a block of 25 tickets be purchased for groups; since we do not get that many, we may consider unhitching the meeting date from the Twins' home schedule. The board will take up these matters.
4. Newsletter report (Thornley): A newsletter will be issued today. The SABR website's feature of automatic announcement of newsletter downloads is now in working order
5. Website report (Gregory) no report. Kevin Hennessy noted that the webmaster has now been fully reimbursed for server fees.
6. Membership (Thornley): 3 new members added recently.
7. Research Committee (Thornley): The committee's next meeting is at the Har Mar Mall Barnes and Noble at 6:00 on May 22.
8. Book Club (Mughalian): the next meeting is Saturday, June 4, at the Har Mar Mall Barnes and Noble. The books are You Know Me Al and Bang The Drum Slowly.
9. National Convention 2012 (Thornley): The core committee's next meeting is at the Har Mar Mall Barnes and Noble at 6:00 on May 22 (combined with Research Committee).
10. Old Business: none
11. New Business:
1) Board election for 2011-2013 terms (4 positions). Candidates recruited by Nomianting Committee: Brenda Himrich, Fred Buckland, Art Mughalian, and Gary DeSmith. Further nominations were requested; none being forthcoming, nominations were closed (moved Mearkle, 2nd Johnson) and the slate was elected by acclamation.
2) Mendal Mearkle announced that the Ken Keltner Chapter's (Milwaukee) expected invitation to Halsey Hall Chapter to attend a joint meeting in LaCrosse, WI, this summer has been cancelled.
12. Adjournment: approved, moved Tholkes, 2nd several
Adjournment at 12:49 p.m.
Bob Tholkes, Secretary