Dec. 2011 board minutes

At Brenda and Stew's, Dec. 4, 2011

Called to order at 6:10 pm by president Brenda Himrich

Present: Brenda, Bob Tholkes, Fred Buckland, Jerry Janzen, Howard Luloff, Stew Thornley, Art Mugalian

Minutes from October meeting were read and approved

Treasurer's report-- After as short delay Jerry reported a balance of $291.23 on $217 spent and $195 taken in. The national office will reimburse us for one of the two chapter meetings.

Events-- Howard discussed the annual hot stove meeting and whether to continue it in light of recent low attendance. It was decided to ask Kevin Hennessy if he would host on Jan. 21.
Howard then moved on to a discussion of the spring chapter meeting. Several dates were considered depending on the Twins being home or on road. Tentative date was set for May 5 2012 and Bob called Doug Ernst to request availability for the church.
It was decided that the chapter will again have a booth at Twinsfest, now back at the Dome. Rick Arpi has agreed to again handle it and acquire membership brochures.  Stew and Brenda will be responsible for constructing a poster/sign that will advertise the chapter's hosting of the 2012 SABR convention.

Newsletter-- Stew will produce the newsletter in the days following the meeting.

Website-- The question has been raised regarding a contact email to be linked to the website with information regarding the chapter and SABR. It was decided to direct John Gregory to set up a link to Art Mugalian's email for such a purpose. Stew will contact Deb Jayne at the national office regarding updating member lists. In that context Stew expressed some frustration with the SABR office in Arizona

Research committee-- Bob has switched the next research meeting to Jan. 22.

Convention committee-- The committee will next meet  Jan. 15. Stew took some time to discuss scheduling for the June convention. Deb Jayne was in town the week before Thanksgiving and she and Stew arranged for the Twins to deal directly with the national office on  ticket prices for the Friday game. 550 tickets, in 2 different sections, will be reserved with the understanding that we don't have to take them all.
There was a brief discussion of the chapter's plan to announce, in conjunction with the convention, a Midwest Hall of Honor. Art will be responsible for putting together a slate of candidates which will be voted on by chapter members.
Also it was noted that the official 2012 convention logo was approved by the national office. The logo was conceived and designed by Mary Buckland, sister of board V.P. Fred Buckland.

Book club-- Art announced that at the day's previous meeting the club selected "Big Hair and Plastic Grass," by Dan Epstein for it's next read. The next meeting will be Feb. 4.

There was no old business.

There was no new business.

The next three board meetings:

Feb. 12 (at Art Mugalian's)
April 1
June 3

The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 pm