Minutes for Halsey Hall Chapter Meeting
December 2, 2012
Home of Brenda Himrich
The meeting called to order by President Art Mugalian at 3:05 p.m.
Attending were board members Howard Luloff, Art Mugalian, Brenda Himrich, Jerry Janzen, Fred Buckland, Dave Jensen and Gary DeSmith. Also attending was Membership chairman and newsletter editor Stew Thornley.
Jerry suggested that we move the hot stove meeting from the church, as there is limited heat and general comforts. It was suggested that we hold the meeting at the Roseville Davanni’s. Howard contacted the restaurant and made a reservation for 7:00PM on Saturday February 2nd, 2013. Howard said he would create a special off-season trivia quiz for the evening. Stew said he could provide a “Dead or Alive” quiz.
Howard asked for suggestions for a guest at the Spring Regional. Jim Rantz was recommended as a possible speaker. Howard will contact Jim to see if he would be available. Howard will MC the meeting and provide the breakfast rolls. Jerry volunteered to work the admissions desk. Fred will provide the soda for lunch. Howard will contact Lee Temanson to see if he will bring coffee.
The board also decided that the chapter should present Rich with an award for all of the work he has done promoting SABR and the chapter at Twins Fest.
Brenda will work on getting nominees to replace the board members whose terms expire in June of 2013. Board members whose terms are ending are Art, Brenda, Fred and Gary.
The next board meeting will be at Jerry’s house February 3rd, 2013 3:30p.m. After the meeting attendees can take part in a potluck and watch the Super Bowl on Jerry’s wide screen TV.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:30.
Details of the Changes to Procedures, Submitted by Stew Thornley
Events Committee
Advance publicity for the meeting should include the starting time for registration, starting time for the meeting, and the approximate end time. The Events Committee chair must ensure that the treasurer (or someone designated by the treasurer) is on hand during registration to get people signed in, collect money, and distribute the agenda and name tags. An evaluation form should also be considered.
Add the following to the above paragraph before the final sentence: "The committee chair must also make sure that the chapter's video equipment is at the meeting so the research presentations, featured guests, and other events are recorded. Someone must also be designated to do the recording."
Also, "Video Equipment" should be added to the checklist at the bottom between name tags and Evaluation forms.
This still doesn't address how the recordings are to be archived and made available to members. The board can consider ways to address this.
One other thing regarding this sentence: The Events Committee chair or someone designated by the chair is responsible for securing tickets to the evening baseball game as part of the spring meeting. How about changing this sentence to, "The Events Committee chair or someone designated by the chair is responsible for securing tickets if an evening baseball game is to be part of the spring meeting."?
Add to the secretary procedures:
1) Take minutes of the bi-monthly board of directors meetings and the business meeting at the semi-annual chapter meeting.
2) Provide copies of minutes to the board of directors promptly (within a week) after a meeting. Provide a copy of the minutes to any chapter member (SABR member) upon request.
3) Maintain an archive copy of the minutes and maintains the archives of the Halsey Hall Chapter. Included in the archives will be minutes, publications, membership directories, and research presentations given at regional meetings, photographs, etc.
4) Collect transcripts and other materials from presentations given at chapter meetings and forward on to Len Levin for the SABR Research Library. Work in consultation with the chair of the Events Committee to request these materials from presenters.
At the end of number 3, add 4), "The secretary should also forward all minutes to the chapter webmaster so they can be posted on the web site." and renumber item 4 as 5.