Minutes for Halsey Hall Chapter Meeting
February 3, 2013
Home of Jerry Janzen
The meeting called to order by President Art Mugalian at 3:50 p.m.
Attending were board members Howard Luloff, Art Mugalian, Brenda Himrich, Jerry Janzen, Fred Buckland and Dave Jensen. Also attending was Membership chairman and newsletter editor Stew Thornley and Research Committee chairman Rich Arpi.
- The minutes from the December 2012 board meeting were approved with modifications. An updated copy of the minutes will be forwarded to the Webmaster.
- Treasurer Jerry Janzen reported that the treasury had a balance of $483.27. Jerry is waiting for reimbursement from SABR National for postage charges.
See Treasurer’s report below.
- Events chairman Howard Luloff reported that there were 8 attendees for the Winter Hot Stove event at the Roseville Davanni’s. Howard felt the site was worth using again if we are welcome.
Howard is also working on the Spring Regional. Jim Rantz has been approached as a guest speaker but will not be able to give us an answer until after Spring Training. Howard will be checking with Tim Tschida as a possible replacement. Stew also suggested that Rob Anthony could be asked.
Howard will also be trying to get a group for the Saturday night game of the Dairy Queen classic. He will have passes available/
See Events chair report below.
- Newsletter editor Stew Thornley reported that the next newsletter would be coming out later in the evening.
See Newsletter Editor’s report below.
- John Gregory was appointed by the board to be the Webmaster for 2013. Stew Thornley will be the assistant Webmaster.
- Membership chairman Thornley reported that there were 2 new members from Minnesota listed in the SABR weekly emails. They have been sent a questionnaire. There is a form on the website that can be used for soliciting new members.
- Research chairman Rich Arpi reported that there are 3 presentations scheduled for the April regional. The next meeting of the Research Committee will be at the Roseville Olive Garden on February 17th at 6pm. The current focus is on 19th century baseball in Minnesota.
See Membership chair report below.
- Art Mugalian reported on the book club's next meeting would be on February 9th at the Har Mar Barnes and Noble.
- There was no Old business.
- Howard requested funds to replace the Jeopardy big board. The board allowed Howard the freedom to create a replacement board.
Brenda will work on getting nominees to replace the board members whose terms expire in June of 2013. Board members whose terms are ending are Art, Brenda, Fred and Gary.
The next board meeting will be at Art’s house April 7th, 2013 at 3:00p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:44.