Minutes for Halsey Hall Chapter Meeting
April 20, 2013
Faith Mennonite Church, Minneapolis

The meeting called to order by President Art Mugalian at 12:33 p.m.

  1. The minutes from the fall meeting were distributed and accepted.
  2. Treasurer Jerry Janzen reported that the treasury had a balance of $421.18.
  3. Events chairman Howard Luloff started off by thanking Jerry Janzen for arranging the use of the church.  He mentioned the winter meeting and said that he would begin working on the fall 2013 meeting.  He also said that a number of attendees would be attending 42 at the Roseville Theater.
  4. Newsletter editor Stew Thornley reported that the next newsletter would be coming out after the meeting.
  5. John Gregory, Webmaster, was not present.  The assistant master reported that there was a web site.
  6. Membership chairman Thornley reported that SABR National was now reporting on new members in their weekly emails and he was reaching out to those from Minnesota.
  7. Rich Arpi spoke as head of the research committee.  He indicated the next meeting would be in May.
  8. Art Mugalian reported on the book club's next meeting (June 15) to discuss Terry Francona and Dan Shaughnessy’s "Francona: The Red Sox Years".


Under Old Business: Darryl (Ask Stew)
Under New Business
Election of board members for 2013-14
Brenda Himrich led the nominating committee and submitted the following names:
Scott Cummings, Gary DeSmith, Doug Skipper and Leanne Rohrbach.
There were no nominations from the floor
The slate was approved as presented.

Sara suggested that the chapter investigate participation in the 2014 All Star game to be held at Target Field.  Suggestions included having a booth at the Fan Fest similar to the chapter participation at Twins Fest.  Reaching out to other SABR members that might be attending the game.  It was suggested that we work with the Twins or MLB.  Sara will from a goup to look into what we can do.

Gary suggested that the book club also look at watching and discussing hisotrical baseball games that can be watched on-line.  The group decided to watch game 7 of the 1965 Wrold Series and discuss it at the next book club meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:55.