Minutes (to be approved) of Halsey Hall board meeting June 2, 2013
At Brenda Himrich's home
Present: Dave Jensen, Gary DeSmith, Howard Luloff, Brenda Himrich, Jerry Janzen, Stew Thornley, Art Mugalian.
Present: Stew Thornley, Brenda Himrich, Jerry Janzen, Dave Jensen, Gary DeSmith, Howard Luloff, Leanne Rohrbach, Scott Cummings, Doug Skipper, Art Mugalian
Absent: board member Fred Buckland

                                                         Minutes (subject to approval)

Meeting was called to order by Art Mugalian at 6:40 p.m.

Minutes from the April meeting were approved with no additions or corrections.

Jerry Janzen reported that the national office reimbursed the chapter $264.07 for mailing fees and spring regional meeting expenses. Jerry said the national office may have over-reimbursed us. Jerry also provided a spreadsheet detailing the chapter's expenses for the year. Current balance is $692.04.

Howard Luloff reported on the spring chapter meeting and the activities following the meeting. Howard deferred action on the fall meeting until a new events chair is appointed.

Stew Thornley reported on the most recent chapter newsletter, which noted that past editions of The Devil Advocates and Mule Droppings, historic columns from old newsletters, are now available online, thanks to popular demand.

Thornley noted the addition of new members Josh Ostergaard and David Campbell.

Stew, representing the research committee, reported that the committee will be meeting June 9 and at that time will choose a chair. Stew suggested that Sarah Johnson or Brenda Himrich would be good choices to head the committee and he expressed the hope that new members would infuse energy and direction to the committee's objectives.

Art Mugalian reported on the next book club meeting, which will meet to read a biography of Terry Francona and discuss a viewing of Game Seven of the 1965 World Series.

There was no old business, except for Stew explaining his obsession with Darrel.

Under new business, there was a discussion of plans for the July 6 road trip to Duluth.

Also, new officers were elected.
President: Howard Luloff
Vice President: Doug Skipper
Treasurer: Jerry Janzen (re-elected)
Secretary: Gary DeSmith

New board members: Scott Cummings, Leanne Rohrbach, Doug Skipper.
Outgoing board members: Fred Buckland, Brenda Himrich, Art Mugalian.
Continuing: Jerry Janzen

Next meeting is Aug. 11, 3 p.m. at Gary DeSmith's.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.