SABR Board Meeting Minutes
October 4, 2015

Attendees:  Steve, Lloyd, Tom, Howard, Jerry, Stew, Frank
Absent:  Doug, Gene Gomes

  1. Meeting convened at 6:55PM
  2. Minutes from previous meeting presented, name corrections made and approved.  The corrections are in the amended August minutes.
  3. Treasury Report
    1. 716.48 in account
    2. Annual web costs coming soon – approximately 200.00
    3. Expenses that will be reimbursed by chapter are envelopes and stamps
  4. Web
    1. John Gregory is web master and we need to make sure on e-mails
    2. Video equipment can be used as it is and get videos up on the web.  Frank is sorting through video and will look into creating a You-Tube Channel
  5. Events
    1. Meeting on October 24th, 2015 8:30AM
      1. Bob Tholkes
      2. Emma Charlesworth-Seiler
      3. John Rosengren
      4. Mike Berardino
    2. November 14th, 2015 – Burleigh Grimes Museum
    3. Book club and breakfast is usual schedule
      1. Breakfast will be held at new venue
  6. Membership –
    1. Kyle Trainer joined as a member
    2. A couple of others with interest
    3. Five total new members
  7. Research Committee
    1. Meeting on 10/19/2015
    2. They continue work on first base ball games throughout Minnesota
    3. Working to get a tour of the History Museum
      1. How to do research
      2. Dan Cagley will hopefully do the tour
    4. Previous meeting summary…
      1. Topic National Convention
      2. Dan Levitt presented how he came up with ideas
      3. How it felt to win top honors for his project
      4. Good interaction with good questions
      5. Looking into doing game book
      6. Went through list of projects in which people can participate
      7. Having a special event helps research meeting
  8. Old Business or known as Darrel
    1. Lacrosse next summer.
  9. New Business
    1. Went over Frank White E-Mail
      1. Howard will respond
      2. SABR will most likely help where it makes sense
    2. Twins Fest Planning
      1. Dates January 29th, 30th, and 31st
      2. Doug Skipper will contact Twins regarding spot
  10. Next Meeting
    1. October 6th, 2015
    2. Frank has volunteered to host
    3. 690 3rd Ave NW New Brighton
  11. Meeting Adjourned at 8:02PM