SABR At-Large Meeting Minutes
October 24, 2015
- Meeting convened at 12:35PM
- Minutes from previous meeting approved.
- Treasury Report
- 716.48 in account
- Web
- John Gregory is web master and we need to make sure on e-mails
- Video equipment can be used as it is and get videos up on the web. Frank is sorting through video and will look into creating a You-Tube Channel
- Events
- Current presenters – THANK YOU. Speakers for next meeting being discussed
- November 14th, 2015 – Burleigh Grimes Museum
- Book club and breakfast is usual schedule
- Breakfast will be held at new venue
- Breakfast at new location Kearns 4201 Nicollet Ave.
- Newsletter – Out and highlights events
- Social media please sign up on facebook and twitter. Likes and membership steadily rising
- Website – Continues
- Bylaws on website
- Membership –
- A couple of new members including Kyle
- Research Committee
- Please see notes from Brenda
- Old Business or known as Darrel
- Silent auction again in April
- New Business
- Went over Frank White E-Mail with larger group. SABR will participate.
- Meeting Adjourned at 2PM