SABR At-Large Meeting Minutes
October 24, 2015


  1. Meeting convened at 12:35PM
  2. Minutes from previous meeting approved. 
  3. Treasury Report
    1. 716.48 in account
  4. Web
    1. John Gregory is web master and we need to make sure on e-mails
    2. Video equipment can be used as it is and get videos up on the web.  Frank is sorting through video and will look into creating a You-Tube Channel
  5. Events
    1. Current presenters – THANK YOU.  Speakers for next meeting being discussed
    2. November 14th, 2015 – Burleigh Grimes Museum
    3. Book club and breakfast is usual schedule
      1. Breakfast will be held at new venue
    4. Breakfast at new location Kearns 4201 Nicollet Ave.
  6. Newsletter – Out and highlights events
  7. Social media please sign up on facebook and twitter.  Likes and membership steadily rising
  8. Website – Continues
    1. Bylaws on website
  9. Membership –
    1. A couple of new members including Kyle
  10. Research Committee
    1. Please see notes from Brenda
  11. Old Business or known as Darrel
    1. Silent auction again in April
  12. New Business
    1. Went over Frank White E-Mail with larger group.  SABR will participate.
  13. Meeting Adjourned at 2PM