Procedures for the Research Committee
Adopted 12/4/2005
Given that the members of the Halsey
Hall Chapter value research that is documented, valid, and accurate, the
purpose of the research committee is to encourage and aid research within and among
members of the chapter.
Objectives and tasks:
- Be in charge of the schedule of research
presentations at semi-annual chapter meetings. This includes soliciting presentations from members with an emphasis on
encouraging new presenters. One presentation slot will be reserved for a first-time presenter until four weeks before the chapter meeting regardless of the number of first-time presenters already approved. Proposals
should be submitted in writing to the committee and should include a title and
brief outline of what the presentation will consist of with emphasis on the
research that will be included. The committee will set the schedule for research presentations and inform the
presenters and the Events Committee of the schedule no later than two weeks
prior to the chapter meeting. The committee will coordinate the schedule with the chair of the Events Committee and the presenters to discuss technology needs along with the timing of the presentations and the timing cues that will be used. Proposals for poster presentations will be accepted and approved with a similar process. Presenters must be members in good standing of the Society for American Baseball Research and the Halsey Hall Chapter.
- Serve as a clearinghouse for research
assistance, establishing research mentors within the chapter and linking them
with those in need of assistance.
- Keep members informed of research methods and
new techniques (particularly with emerging technologies) through a variety of
methods, including but not limited to presentations/panel discussions at
chapter meetings, articles in the newsletter and on the chapter web site,
periodic round-table discussions.
- Prepare a report of Research Committee activities and present it for the semi-annual chapter meetings.
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