Duties and Responsibilities of the Treasurer


Adopted 8/8/2004

Revised 4/3/2005


1) Collect and deposit all funds received by the Chapter in the Chapter’s checking account.  This includes mainly subscription fees for paper copies of the newsletter, donations, and reimbursements from the national SABR office.


2)  Balance checkbook with bank statements monthly.


3)  Pay chapter bills

       a)  reimburse webmaster for annual website registration fees

       b)  pay any bills connected with hosting semi-annual chapter meetings and annual hot stove meeting.  (mostly food and rental charges)


4)   Submit receipts to SABR office for chapter meeting expenses (up to $200 per year) and for chapter mailings (50 cents per item up to three mailings per year).


5)   Submit annual chapter financial statement (below) to SABR office by February 15 for the previous year.


6)   Collect money at door at chapter meetings from members to cover food and rental charges. Amount will be determined by board of directors so that meeting will break even.


7)    Provide sign-up sheet, pens, and name tags at chapter meetings. 


8)    Collect subscription fees for paper copies of The Holy Cow! newsletter and deposit funds in chapter account.  Arrange for distribution of paper copies of newsletter, maintain mailing list, and reimburse person responsible for distribution for printing, envelope, and postage costs from chapter funds after receipts are received.



Society for American Baseball Research

Name of Chapter: ____________________________________


Revenue and Expense Statement

for the year ending 12/31/______



            Fees for Meetings......................................................................................................... $   


            Interest Income.............................................................................................................

            Other (Specify any amount more than $20)





Total Revenue........................................................................................................................... $




            Meeting Expenses

                     _______________________________.......................................................... $





            Bank Fees......................................................................................................................

            Other (Specify any amount more than $20)





Total Expenses......................................................................................................................... $




Net Revenue (Expense)........................................................................................................ $



            Beginning Fund Balance on 1/1/______................................................................. $

            Current Period Net Increase (Decrease).................................................................. $

            Ending Fund Balance on 12/31/______.................................................................. $


            Name of financial institution:

            Account number:


This statement was prepared by:______________________________________




Please submit by February 15 to SABR, 812 Huron Road East, #719, Cleveland, Ohio  44115

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