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Halsey Hall Chapter
Society for American Baseball Research

Publications Index

Here is an index for what has appeared in The Holy Cow! and special columns. Browse or search (Control-F) for specific words or names. (On Ipads, use the Share icon and scroll to “Search this Page.”) For lists of featured guests and research presentations at chapter meeting, go to Halsey Hall Chapter Officers and History.

A list of books and game videos for the book club is at Halsey Hall Book Club Booklist.

Beyond the monthly newsletters back to 1999 are links to a short-lived newsletter column, Mule Droppings, which focused on chapter news and members.

February 2025
Profile of Alex Robbins and new member Maxwell Slinden
Dan Evans to speak at April 19 Spring Chapter Meeting
Stew Thornley’s Hard Times Quiz

January 2025
Profiles of Simon Steeves and Kurt Franke and new member Christian Towalski
Dan Evans to speak at April 19 Spring Chapter Meeting
John Buckeye’s Flippin’ Off Quiz

December 2024
Profiles of Mando Jimenez, Doug Kenison, and Ron Pease
Recap of Fall Chapter Meeting from special Guest Correspondent John Buckeye
Gene Gomes with Our 37th Themed Quiz
Anthony Bush Finds Jay Anderson
Nominating Committee Appointed: Candidates Sought
Move to Stanley’s Northeast for Fred Souba Hot Stove Saturday Morning

November 2024
New Member Andy Sjerven
Lunch McKenzie to Speak at Fall Chapter Meeting
Joe O’Connell inducted into Twin Cities Sports Collectors Hall of Fame
Glenn Renick’s Anacrostic Quiz

October 2024
New Members Riley Heck and Douglas Raynie
Steve Elsberry Dies
Dana Yost Honored
Lunch McKenzie to Speak at Fall Chapter Meeting
Spread of Baseball in Minnesota Spreading
Austin Hedges Milestone Home run
Ed Edmonds’s Guess the Theme Quiz
Video of Lexington Park in 1942
On-line: SABR MLB Team Employee Index, Articles from SABR 52 Convention Publication, SABR 52 Research Presentations
Link to Keltner Chapter Newsletter with Jayson Stark article on Predecessor to Danny Jansen Feat

September 2024
Profile of Jeff Thomalla and new members Marty Krogman, Henry Bednar, Tom Goldstein, and Steven Bolster
Halsey Hall Chapter Earns MVP Status Again
SABR 52 Recap
Cal Quantrill Quote of the Month
Sparky Seals’s Hefty Quiz

August 2024
Profile of Jeff Papas and new members Ross Bennett, Quinn Wahl
Parade of Hall of Fame Homes
SABR 52 News, including newspaper article by Curt Brown
Article by Dave Lande in Dodger Stadium book
Anthony Bush inducted into Proctor Hall of Fame
Gene Gomes’s Guess the Theme Quiz

July 2024
Profile of Theo Tollefson
Ed Edmonds elected president
Lewd photo of Bucky the Otter
SABR 52 News
Push for Pillbox plaque
Bob Komoroski’s 33rd Theme Quiz

June 2024
New Members Eric Nelson, Nathaniel Wagner, Connor Reese, Bob Bradt
Full house for Spring Chapter Meeting
SABR 52 News
Bob Bradt’s Indignant Letter (with rebuttal)
Ed Edmonds’s Two Themes Quiz
Hall of Fame Before and After Quiz

May 2024
Profile of Erick Kriewaldt
Mary Giesler of Twins to be featured speaker at spring chapter meeting
Big turnout for program on 100th anniversary of Senators championship
SABR 52 News
Darryl Sannes’s Two Themes Quiz
Dan Levitt on MLB Now

April 2024
New member Brennan Larsen
Mary Giesler of Twins to be featured speaker at spring chapter meeting
Glenn Renick’s Baseball Card Quiz
Writing opportunities through TwinsDaily
SABR members at NINE conference

March 2024
New members Mac Wilson, Benjamin Reinhard, Henry Gliedman
Bob Komoroski’s Kapital Kwiz
Ed Edmonds writing chapter for 11 Men In along with a quiz
John Bonnes a contender in Preposterous Statement Tournament

February 2024
Profiles of Jarod “J-Rod” Smith, Kris Hard, and Henry Rosckes and new members Jennifer Parker, Thomas Paul, Mike Wellnitz, and Blake Ask
John Buckeye’s Creature Quiz
Roger Godin and Glenn Gostick Honored

January 2024
New members Tom Mollen, Katie Roggenburk, and Jeff Schwenn
Gene Gomes’s Tra La, La, La, La—Sing the Chorus Quiz

December 2023
Profile of Andrѐ Lanoue and new members Douglas Byers and Gregg Nelson
Recap of Fall Chapter Meeting
Vetoed Trade Quiz
Libraries of the Stars
Gene Gomes’s It’s a Living Quiz
Doc Quain Dies
Research Societies for Lesser Sports
New Book by Steve Bratkovich
Frank White to Receive the Terry Ryan Play Ball! Minnesota Award from the Minnesota Twins

November 2023
Andre Lanoue to be Featured Guest at Fall Chapter Meeting November 18
Logic Conundrum
“Guess the Theme” Quiz
Separated at Birth: Lee Trevino and Bob Tholkes
Committee to be Named Later Named

October 2023
SABR A. L. Central Division Event—Part Deuce
Dave Lande’s Award-Winning Quiz

Special September Extra 2023
Profile of Jacob S. and new member Bryan Herr
SABR 52 Planning Underway
Committee to be Named Later Formed
Gene Gomes Goes to WAR with a Body of Work Quiz

September 2023
Profile of John “Sparkys” Seals and new members Daniel Dullum, Michael Merlino, Kyle McNary
2024 SABR Convention Coming to Minneapolis
Brian “Bookie” Larson on Almanac
Proposed Baseball Cards Pack Rip and Swap/Fun Bags Night
Photos of U. S. Women’s National Team Working Out in Minneapolis

August 2023
Halsey Hall Chapter Receives Inuagural MVP Status—Only SABR Chapter to Receive It
Ed Edmonds’s World Series Quiz

July 2023
Rich Arpi Elected President
Halsey Hall Chapter at Saints Game Honoring Billy Williams; Frank White Recognized for Role in Event
John Buckeye’s Family Friendly Quiz

June 2023
Profiles of Josh Ruffin and Chris Άngel and new member Paul Batesel
Dan Levitt Re-Elected as SABR Treasurer
Chapter to Have Table at Saints Game Honoring Billy Williams
Gene Gomes “Hooray, Hooray, the First of May” Quiz

May 2023
New members Aaron Brush and Josh Ruffin
Spring Chapter Meeting Draws Sitting-Room Crowd with Josh Ruffin as Featured Speaker
Season Outlook from SABR Chapters in American League Central Division
Lots of Local Folks Going to SABR Convention in Chicago; Minnesota a Possible Site for Convention Soon
History Day Award Recipient Announced

April 2023
New members John Bonnes, Jason Parker, and Brent Hokeness
Josh Ruffin of Twins Player Development Research to Speak Spring Chapter Meeting April 15

Quiz by Darryl Sannes

March 2023
Dan Levitt and Mark Armour receive Seymour Medal for Intentional Balk
Home of SABR/Mpls. Ass. of Baseball Enthusiasts honored as a top dive bar
A St. Patrick’s Day Riddle
Gene Gomes Presidents’ Day quiz
Link to article on training of pitch-clock timers in Houston

February 2023
New member Mark Glotter
Bill Davis dies
Back at Twinsfest
New book by Joe Niese
Sarah Johnson profiled in Baseball Roundtable
Bob Komoroski quiz

January 2023
New members Harry Williams, Eli Morris, Dave Greisen, and Scott Warmka
Nancy Jo Leachman dies
John Buckeye’s Drop Trou quiz

December 2022
Profiles of Roger Groening, Cliff Miller, Dennis Lange, and Dave Anderson and new members Aaron Strike and Michael Wallace
Recap of Fall Chapter Meeting
Colorful quiz from Dave Lande

November 2022
Profile of Steve Montbriand and new member Mark Schrep
Quiz by Gene Gene The Dancing Machine
Bullpen pranks (Lew Krausse and A. J. Minter)
Luloff Lauded, Levitt Levitated

October 2022
Profile of Ben Ernst
SABR convention recap
Details of November 5 Fall Chapter Meeting
Gene Gomes’s The Queen Is Dead baseball quiz

September 2022
Profile of Glenn Renick and new members Daniel Spewak and Jacob Samp
Details of November 5 Fall Chapter Meeting
Pictures of SABR convention and Beloit road trip
Chicago baseball quiz
Landmarks Committee site launched; Research Committee minutes now on-line

August 2022
Profile of Ed Edmonds and new members Alexander Rothschild and Dennis Lange
Details of November 5 Fall Chapter Meeting
Dan Levitt’s new book published
Landmarks Committee site launched; Research Committee minutes now on-line

July 2022
Profile of Darryl Sannes and new members Ed Edmonds and Joseph Weindel
New officers
Quizzes on Twins uniform number and no-hitters

June 2022
Profile of Brian Larson and new member Darryl Sannes
Reggie Wilson speaks at Spring Chapter Meeting
Upcoming events include Bud Fowler Stillwater tour and trip to see Emma Charlesworth-Seiler umpire
Carl Rogan and Sarah Johnson featured in news reports

May 2022
New members Neal Karlen and Jason Ernst
Chapter baseball display up at Brookdale Library
Metropolitan Stadium book published
KARE sports director Reggie Wilson to speak at April 30 chapter meeting
The last Cullum Column
A Quiz
Sarah Johnson becomes sixth woman official scorer in the majors

April 2022
Profile of John Buckeye and new members Robert Carlson and Patrick Vance
Chances to see Emma Charlesworth-Seiler

March 2022
Profiles of Mark Vanney and Justin Stofferahn and new member John Buckeye
Sarah Johnson to be official scorer for Major League Baseball
Doug Ernst dies
Brent Peterson speaks on Bud Fowler
SABR Baseball Landmarks Committee
Spring chapter meeting set for April 30
Bookclub news along with links to the Bleacher Bums and Les Grobstein
Blasts from the Past: Ed Wehling and Joe Soucheray on Joan Joyce
Fun Deadspin on how to handle screwing up
Authors sought by The History Press

February 2022
Profile of Jake Smith
Spring chapter meeting set for April 30
Lloyd Kepple attends Fantasy Camp
Blasts from the Past: Sports on Tap, Randy Krzmarzick
Mike Haupert quoted in Deadspin article
John Rosengren seeks influencers

January 2022
Profile of Lucas Seehafer and new member Thomas Hoye
Dan Levitt and Mike Haupert star in virtual meeting (with links to video of meeting as well as a conversation with Jim Kaat and the Brooklyn 19th Century symposium)
Research Committee to update poster to include new Hall of Famer Bud Foster
Spring chapter meeting set for April 30
Lloyd Kepple hangs out with Bill Lee
Gene Gomes’s Almost-an-Old-Fart Quiz

December 2021
Profile of Tom Swift
Fall Chapter meeting recap
Fun links to videos about Met Stadium and the visit of Babe Ruth and Bob Meusel to Sleepy Eye
Baseball anagrams
Pete Gorton and Ned Ribback projects
Halsey Hall in 1915 Baseball Magazine

November 2021
Profile of new member Jason Albert
Mike Haupert Stars in 19th Century Speaker Series

October 2021
Fall Chapter Meeting November 13
Name’s the Same Quiz

September 2021
Profiles of new members Andrew Bradjan and Al Strauss
Fall Chapter Meeting November 13
Phil Reid Gravestone Ceremony
Pete Gorton featured in Star Tribune

August 2021
New member Sean Floersch
Townball Trip by Jerry Janzen
Ceremonies for Phil Reid
Information on Fall Chapter Meeting

July 2021
Profile of Sam Sundermeyer and new member Andy Pratt
Back to regular spots for breakfast, book club, and chapter meeting
Townball outing coming up
Photos of Glenn Gostick from the 1940s
J. D. Martinez Is No Manny Ramirez When It Comes to High-Fiving the Fans

June 2021
Gene Gomes Elected Halsey Hall Chapter president
Twins Switch-Hitter Quiz by Ed Wehling
Attendance at Spring Chapter meeting tops 40
History Day Winner Announced
Brenda Himrich revises will after 25th wedding anniversary

May 2021
Steve Bratkovich receives SABR Baseball Research Award for The Baseball Bat
Multiple Honors for Joe Niese
Return of the Fred Souba Hot Stove Saturday Morning Breakfast and the Hot Stove Saturday Morning Stroll
Poetry by Francis Kinlaw and Gene Gomes
Ode to Gos

April 2021
New member Christopher Juelsgaard
Book clubs and author events coming up with Jane Leavy, Lee Kluck, and Jim Walker
Link to 1964 - The Polo Grounds, Requiem for an Arena

March 2021
New member Tom Johnson
Upcoming virtual events: Twins writers and presentation on Hank Aaron
Putting the Anal in Analytics
SABR project on baseball tickets
Moonlighting members
First-timers recognized on web page
National History Day in Minnesota
Nicollet Park plaque in safekeeping
New book on Twin Cities ballparks

February 2021
Profile of Mike Klingensmith and new member Cole Kehrberg
SABR Website tour and virtual meetings

January 2021
Profiles of Carol Castle and new members Mike Klingensmith and Erik Sjogren
Spring Virtual Chapter Meeting set for May 8
Quiz on longest no-hitters
Bob Kendrick as speaker for New York Giants Preservation Society
Saints and Twins—Closest parent and top farm team ever?

December 2020
Profiles on new members Tyler Oehman and Ed Wehling
33 attend Fall Virtual Chapter Meeting
First-Time SABR authors recognized

November 2020
New member Dan Schultz
Fall Virtual Chapter Meeting November 7
Amendment to by-Laws proposed
First-Time SABR authors
Copies of Minnesotans in Baseball available at low price

October 2020
Fall Virtual Chapter Meeting lineup set for November 7
October 3 book club and other events
Chapter authors in Baseball’s Biggest Blowout Games
Four-Base Error finally happens
Frank White provides list of first players of color for Minnesota minor-league teams
Aroldis Chapman: Pitching and Prairie Dogging

September 2020
Fall Virtual Chapter Meeting Set for November 7
September 12 breakfast, October 3 book club and other events
Baseball Reminiscence online chartered community formed
Minnesotan bats at the North Pole
Bob Tholkes honored by Nineteenth Century Committee
Joe Niese has new book on Zack Wheat
Frank White heads effort for new gravestone for Phil Reid and chapter member is interviewed at Buzz Arlett’s grave
Twins honor their Washington history
Ned Ribback in Baseball Digest

August 2020
Chapter Meeting Planned for Fall
New research committee co-chair sought
Help students pick baseball topics for Minnesota History Day
Free student memberships available
Terry Bohn published in Baseball Research Journal and other articles published by members

July 2020
New member David Asp
Virtual Spring Chapter Meeting
Dave Lande elected president
Green Monster Group Costume
Nicollet Park plaque survives riots
Before and After Quiz
Could a team Lose a perfect game?

June 2020
New member Hal Campbell
Dan Levitt elected to SABR board of directors (with profile of Dan)
Virtual chapter meeting set for June 13
Abby Altman receives Halsey Hall Chapter History Day Award
Save or No Save?
Hot Stove Saturday Social-Distancing Seventh-Inning-Stretch Scooter and Stroll
Cookie Lavagetto was hung
Chapter members have submissions in SABR book on the 50 most essential research articles in SABR’s first 50 years
Articles published by chapter members
F-bombs help with pain relief

May 2020
New members William O’Keefe, David Jacobsen, Jack Takes, and Rob Schoene
Chapter meeting set for June 13
Hot Stove Saturday Stroll
Chapter member running for SABR board
Answer to the Unknown SABR member
Quiz answers and more quiz questions

April 2020
New member Mike Rodriguez

March 2020
New member Mike Rodriguez
Mike Haupert receives Henry Chadwick Award
Vintage base ball making workshop planned
Answers to Whodunit quiz with photos of Gene Gomes and Bucky the Otter
Photo of Dan Levitt on MLB Now
Leggs Will be Parted headline
Emma Charlesworth-Seiler to umpire in the Carolina League

February 2020
New member Alex Dehmer
Image of 1960s Millers
Bob Tholkes treks 69 miles
SABR looking for top 50 books of SABR Era
Old Business—Darrel
Index of newsletter stories
Trivia—Winning Game 7 without winning World Series
Photos of new umpire replay room at Major League Baseball headquarters

January 2020
Profile: Dave Mona
New member Dakota Olson
Player contract cards from The Sporting News now on-line
Videos of chapter meetings and other events available
SABR scholarship opportunities to be promoted

December 2019
New (returning) member Jeff Lenz
Photo of Tink Larson – featured guest at chapter meeting
Ryan Barland of the Minnesota Historical Society on the Minnesota Baseball Oral History Project
Bob “Rocky” Johnson Dies
Minnesota 19th Century Base Ball Interdisciplinary Symposium
Grumpy’s Bar, headquarters of the Minneapolis Association of Base Ball Enthusiasts, featured in magazine
SABR book, The Babe, includes stories by chapter members
      Other interesting photos:
Muddy Ruel scoring the winning run in the 1924 World Series
Map of Minneapolis fairgrounds, where our semi-annual meeting site now is
Former Twins All-Star Kurt Suzuki Gets a Celebratory Hug/Grope

November 2019
Profile: Richard “Doc” Quain
George Rekela Dies
Gene Gomes at induction of great-grandfather Abner Powell (with photo)
Members attend Black Sox Symposium in Chicago

October 2019
City of Baseball Museum honored by Baseball Digest
Met Stadium quiz on the last player active who had played at Met Stadium
      Interesting photos:
Pictures of member on Met Stadium foul pole

September 2019
Profile: Al Bernardo (also new members Preston Madkour and Rodger McKelvey)
Quiz on players who homered at Met Stadium in the minors and the majors
Team Employee Directory Project
Wesley Ellenson documentary: Sibling Rivals: The Millers & the Saints
      Interesting photo:
Emma Charlesworth-Seiler – at lunch with group and umpiring

August 2019
Profiles: Daniel Dorff, Peter Knapp, and Matt Brummer
Book Project of Memorable Games at Metropolitan Stadium (first mention)
Britton’s Baseball Quiz with photo of Yankee Stadium scoreboard
      Other interesting photos:
Terry Bohn’s postcard of the 1908 Milan, Minnesota team

July 2019
Profiles: Stan Britton (and new member Roger Burg)
Tom Froemming tutorial on using Baseball Savant
Link to story about man who ate an entire tub of mayonnaise at a minor-league game
Emma Charlesworth-Seiler works the plate in no-hitter
      Interesting photos:
SABR booth and Damian Schaab at a Saints game
Photos from SABR convention in San Diego
Photo of baseball sign in middle of Belle Plaine intersection

Special 6-9 Edition
Name that Member (with photo of tobacco-chewing member from high-school baseball team)
Name that Team (vintage baseball team photo)
Profile: Tom Kirsch
Charlie Levitt named Division III Offensive Player of the year (with photo)
Sam Zygner has book published on Miami minor-league baseball (with image of book cover)
Photos of road trips to Faribault, Waseca, Milwaukee, Crusherfest, Iowa, and Route 69 in Connecticut

June 2019
New members Bill Franzen and Thomas Kirsh
Obituary for Rollen Johnson (Randy’s dad), provided by Anthony Bush
Photo of Kenny Jackelen, featured speaker at spring chapter meeting
Saints promotions with funny riddle?
Project headed by Terry Bohn for new grave marker for Saul Davis
Julian H. Sleeper House dubbed the “most eccentric museum” in the Twin Cities
Broadcast re-creation of the first loss of the Cincinnati Red Stockings
Pete Hepokoski to attend Oosterhout Twins game in Holland
Words to Live By: Joey Chestnut on the cardinal rule of competitive eating
      Other interesting photos:
Nobody Beats Mayslack’s Meat sign
Bob Komoroski and Stew Thornley with hot-dog champion Joey Chestnut
Lloyd Kepple and friend at Asheville Tourists game

May 2019
      Interesting photos:
Mayslack for President poster
Ted Williams photos (with link to article about Williams’s year in Minneapolis)
Cover of Terry Bohn’s book, Hired Batteries
Bat Flips and Joey Gallo’s Crotch Grab
Reds Pitcher on Unwritten Rules: “Baseball Players Couldn’t Survive Playing another Sport”
A Ceremony to Welcome the Minnesota Twins Professional Baseball Team in Minnesota
Twins Bat Boys on To Tell the Truth
Four-base error ruled instead of home run
Words to Live By, possibly (but not probably) by David Cone

April 2019
Tom Breen’s blank scorecard from the September 28, 1944 Service World Series game
Photo of Babe Ruth participating in Minnesota Gophers football practice, provided by Matt Johnson
Official Scorer messes up Shane Bieber’s name
Words to Live By from Williams Grimes, New York Times obituary writer, in Obit

Special Spring into Spring 2019 Edition
Profiles: Les Gerdin, Alan Holst, and Wesley Ellenwood
Jim Cox memories of Carl Pohlad
The Fix (Is On) – photos of Target Field and panel discussion for the opera The Fix
Name’s the Same for the judge in the 1924 civil trial of the White Sox and a chapter member
      Other interesting photo:
Rick Renick leaping for spring-training home-run ball in Lakeland, provided by Tom Flynn

March 2019
Profiles: Jeff “Schwartzy” Schwartz, Dana Yost, Forrest Peiper
Are You Smarter Than an Official Scorer quiz
YouTube: 1931 Little World Series, St. Paul Saints vs. Rochester Red Wings, Game 8
An MLB Pitcher Has Launched a Charity Campaign That Is Filled with Sex and Marijuana References
Trevor Bauer Is Donating $420.69 Every Day for 69 Days, And Then $69,420.69 On The Final Day
The History of Sports Journalism in Minneapolis by Joel Rippel
      Interesting photos:
Emma Charlesworth-Seiler
Photos and graphics for books Winning Baseball and The Polo Grounds

February 2019
New Members Ann Huidekoper, Thomas Merrick, and Jeff Schwartz
On-line Baseball Research Tools workshop
Research committee tracks down information on photo of 1908 Detroit (now Detroit Lakes) team
The Baseball Index updated
Northwoods League looking for help
David Karpinski’s Baseball Roundtable blog rated in top 100
      Interesting photos:
Outing to the Play Ball! Sports in Scott County exhibit
Lloyd Kepple at Twins Fantasy Camp
Was Mrs. Rayburn Too Hard on the Beaver?
Typo of the Month: How Women’s Top 25 Teams Farted

January 2019
Profile: Kenny Jackelen (and new members Randy Krzmarzick, Connor Rawleigh, and George Rownd)
Minnesota 19th Century Base Ball Interdisciplinary Symposium November 16 (first mention)

December 2018
Photos of Fall Chapter meeting with featured guest Rob Fornasiere
Bob Komoroski takes over chapter Facebook page and Tom Flynn still oversees Twitter
Link to obituary for Len Youngman and photo of a banner of 1922 visit to Sleepy Eye by Bob Meusel and Babe Ruth
Link to story about hosting a chapter member at three townball games in Brown County (with photo)
Lloyd Kepple plays in Roy Hobbs World Series in Florida
SABR Games Project a Great Way to Research and Write
Name’s the Same: judge in the murder trial on The Staircase and former Twins second baseman.

November 2018
Profile: Corky Gaskell (also new members Roger Brosnahan and Blaze Beecher)
Photo of Rob Fornasiere, featured guest for Fall Chapter meeting, honored at Siebert Field
Roger Godin attends Japan baseball tour
Bob Tholkes provides Protoball with Registry of Interclub Matches database
SABR member Craig Brown’s Threads of Our Game 19th-century uniform database
Link to television footages of snow that postponed the 1962 home opener
Nick Volpe portraits of 1960s Twins (with an image of his Earl Battey portraits)
Link created to track postseason cycles
      Interesting photos:

October 2018
Profiles: Hayden Goethe and Erick Reinikka  
Minnesota Native Scott Bush Is New SABR Chief Executive Officer
Play Ball! Sports in Scott County Exhibit Opening September 27
Twins Fan Bob Kerler Dies
Historic St. Paul Ballpark Leads to Information on Early Water Supply in City (with map and images)
Players Weekend nicknames with photo of a nickname plate made for the official scorer
Image of ad in Seattle paper for Donald Du Bois winning $27,300 for a grand slam hit by Fred Talbot (part of a story told in Ball Four)
Item from 1952 Minneapolis Tribune about a player knocking the cover off the ball
Near perfect games and no-hitters in Minnesota
Jim Cox finds original 1928 newspaper with box score of a game between Madeline Island and Superior
The Fix Is In opera

September 2018
New members Jan Hahn and Daniel McIntyre
Anthony Bush named head baseball coach at Proctor High School
A poem by Aaron Sinner about the Saints becoming the Aints
Acrostics Answers (from puzzle in August 2018 issue)
Special offer for autographed Felipe Alou book (with image of Felipe Alou Fan in the Stands card from 1971

August 2018
New member Rick Emerson
Photos from Northwoods League trip to Willmar
Acrostics puzzle
Roger Godin publishes book about the first U. S.-born player in the National Hockey League
Link to story about the use of technology in official scoring

July 2018
Photo of banner of Babe Ruth and Bob Meusel in Sleepy Eye, along to links to stories about their visit
Link to story in New Ulm Journal about Fred Bruckbauer
Link to a story about a pitcher hurling on the mound (with video of him spewing chunks)
Matt Johnson gets two hits in an inning in a townball game (with photo)
Emma Charlesworth-Seiler in second season of umpiring in organized baseball (with link to story)
Hans Van Slooten leaves Sports Reference to work for the Twins
Link to Curt Brown story about Ossie Bluege
Member teaching course on the role of baseball’s official score (with image and photo)
      Interesting photos:
Joe Faber Field in St. Cloud

June 2018
Photos and information from the Division III World Series, with Charlie Levitt
Aaron Gleeman has book on the top 50 Minnesota Twins published
Anthony Bush (pitching coach for Proctor High School) named coach of the week
Photo of Brenda Himrich, after nearly catching a foul ball in the Twins press box

May 2018
Profiles: John Wiederin, Mike Kennedy, and Dave Hoplin (also new members Jerome Cawley and Trevor Thornton)
SABR Oral History Collection
Follow-up on the ASU 10 (with picture of kid barfing and the need for a clear plastic bag)
      Interesting photos:
Photo of Pudge Coffee #7, which was served at the Spring Chapter meeting
      Other interesting photo:
Crumpled sign about respecting the official scorer at Estadio Hiram Bithorn

April 2018
New member Clarence Kuhn
Photo and link to The Jim Grant Show, which aired on WTCN-TV
Statements/profiles from chapter board candidates Jerry Janzen, Jim Cox, and Dave Lande
Badass Bob Komoroski and the ASU 10 (with photo)

March 2018
Profiles: Anders Koskinen and Tom Froemming (also new members Sam Schneider, Chris Horgen, and Scott Magnuson)
Gary Hackenmuller dies
On-line Baseball Research Tools workshop live on Facebook, thanks to Frank Kadwell
      Interesting photos:
Spring-training photos from Jerry Janzen, including Emma Charlesworth-Seiler umpiring
Brenda Himrich at Minute Maid Park in Houston, training for the pitch clock

February 2018
Profiles: Tom Froemming (also new members Ryan Corkrean and Anthony Jensen)
Twinsfest photo and image of newspaper article promoting the chapter’s participation in it
      Interesting photos:
Paul Spyhalski presenting on the Southern Minny League
Lloyd Kepple with Scott Erickson

January 2018
Research committee poster on Hall of Famers in Minnesota (with photo of poster and image of handout)
Howard Luloff doing public-address announcing for Groves Acaedemy

December 2017
Photos of chapter meeting featured speakers Emma Charlesworth-Seiler and Dick Stigman
Profile: Bryan Lake
Lloyd Kepple’s team wins the AAA 65 Division at the Roy Hobbs World Series (with photo)
      Interesting photos:
Dan Levitt dropping his Chadwick Award
Images of scoresheets by Fred Buckland of the game in which Andrew Romine played all nine positions and by Jerry Janzen of the first game he ever kept score of with an autograph from Dick Stigman, who pitched the September 2, 1964 game
Women in baseball: Emma Charlesworth-Seiler, Sarah Johnson, Brenda Himrich

November 2017
Photos of Nimrod, Minnesota, and Stigman Field for upcoming guest Dick Stigman
New members Michael Stewart and Samuel Haag
Jerry Janzen doing well after his zipper job
Scoresheet and box score from the official scorer for the game in which Andrew Romine played all nine positions
Image of ad for Harmon Killebrew at the grand opening of Bowl-O-Mat

October 2017
Cary Smith moves to Cooperstown to digitize photos for the Baseball Hall of Fame
Dan Levitt on MLB Now (with links to the topics discussed)
Mike Frank at Don Larsen’s perfect game
Professional Golfers Association rescinds a “Caucasians only” clause in constitution – in 1961

September 2017
Profile: John Engrav (also new members Carey Jeremiason and Martin Tebay of Cockersmouth, Cumbria)
A. J. “Crash” Richard at perfect game pitched by Conner Grey of the Kane County Cougars
Dr. Fan at Adrian Beltre’s 3,000th hit and Pirates-Cardinals game in Williamsport

August 2017
Photos of Northwoods League outings in Mankato and Thunder Bay
Links to box scores for Emma Charlesworth-Seiler’s first games umpiring in organized baseball

July 2017
Photos of SABR convention in New York and Seinfeld Night in Dundas
Links to stories about Emma Charlesworth-Seiler becoming an umpire in organized baseball
Image of a story about Mark Johnson
New members Peter Gregg and Justin Seurer
Follow-up to Warren Woods’s paean to Nicollet Park in the June issue

June 2017
Emma Charlesworth-Seiler Hired as Umpire in Gulf Coast League (with photo)
Link to Emma’s essay that received the Jack Kavanagh Memorial Baseball Award
Profiles: Gregg Hansen and Warren E. “Woodsie” Woods
Warren Woods paean to Nicollet Park
Cover image of Jeff Bozovsky’s book, Divorces, Barmaids, and Cranks: The 1897 Red River Valley Baseball League
Image of article, provided by Cary Smith, of Rube Foster pitching a no-hitter in St. Paul

May 2017
Black Baseball Panel Highlights Spring Chapter Meeting (with photos)
Profile: John Doman (with photos he took of Twins games).  New member: Mark Hinton
Kyle Traynor, Brenda Himrich, and Sarah Johnson doing BOSS (Balls Outs Strikes Spotter) for Twins games at Target Field
Howard Luloff doing the public-address announcing for St. Louis Park High School baseball
Emma Charlesworth-Seiler attends the Minor League Baseball Umpire Training Academy
Jeff Nelson an umpire in a game delayed by a rubber in Milwaukee (with link to video)
      Other interesting photos:
Joe Niese speaking about Andy Pafko at the Dunn County Historical Society in Menomonie, Wisconsin
Images of book covers by Terry Bohn (Lots More Fun that Way) and Anthony Bush (Proctor Rails Record Book)
Box score from Gene Gomes of the first game in attended, autographed by Ken McMullen, who played in the game

April 2017
World Baseball Classic in Jalisco with photos from the official scorer, including of Brenda Himrich, the press-box announcer
Howard Luloff wins Dilly Bar at baseball game at U. S. Bank Stadium (with photos)
New members Jamie Houselog and Coach Bryce DeMolee

March 2017
Dan Levitt Receives Henry Chadwick Award
Quiz from Gene Gomes
Profiles: Christopher Zurn and Jeff Jurgella (also new members Tom Lennon and Gerry Tucker)

February 2017
Profiles: Jack Werner and Shane Carlson (also new member Eric McKinley)
      Other interesting photos:
Dick Stigman, possible guest at Spring Chapter meeting
Who Lived Here? quiz, with photos (Willie Mays, the Dasseys and Averys from Making a Murderer)
Image for Caribbean Series viewing party
Dan Levitt speaking at the Minneanalytics Sports Analytics Conference
Photo of William “Porter” Spike Shannon and his wife, Sarah “Sadie” Murphy
List by Mike Warwick of the Cooperstown Debating Society of the most eligible players, by uniform number, for the Baseball Hall of Fame

January 2017
Emma Charlesworth-Seiler: On the Mound and Behind the Plate (with photo)
Minneanalytics Sports Analytics Conference in Minneapolis January 10
New members Bill Axness, Jon Kerr, and Bob Quintus
Link to Dan Levitt on the MLB Network
      Other interesting photos:
Assman Field

December 2016
Photo of SABR member Carl Rogan, grandson of Bullet Rogan, speaking at Minneapolis Central Library
Profiles: Larry Von Berg and Craig Shuman (also new members Shovanna Malloy-Rydeen, Bob Aulert, Warren Woods, Jim Cox)

November 2016
Record turnout for Fall Chapter meeting (with photos of Pete Gorton, Michael Fallon, and Frank Quilici)
Profile: Matt Johnson (also new member Ry Sigglekow)
Cary Smith has Twitter page
Link to Andy Sturdevant’s article on Willie Mays’s south Minneapolis neighborhood
Official scoring quiz

October 2016
New member Tom Keeler
Picture of Brenda Himrich being honored for her retirement

September 2016
Profile: Grant Kleiman
Howard Luloff blog about local sports and game shows

August 2016
Photos of townball game in Chaska and Miesville and chapter Northwoods League trip to LaCrosse
Photo of Brenda “Windy” Himrich’s birthday greeting on the Target Field Scoreboard
Members attend and present at Jerry Malloy Negro Leagues Conference in Kansas City; Frank White receives the Robert Peterson Recognition Award
Morbid member to lead trolley tours of sports graves at Lakewood Cemetery
Baseball Hall of Fame tour coming to Minneapolis
Chapter member receives Bob Davids Award (and other SABR convention photos)
Photo of Michael Fallon giving the keynote address for the Baseball Reliquary’s Shrine of the Enternals induction
Joe Niese receives bronze medal at the Foreword Reviews’ INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards
Grant Kleiman receives the Jack Kavanagh Memorial Youth Award
Picture of Brian Madigan at White Sox Park on the night that Chris Sale shredded the throwback jerseys
Tom Flynn gets his first foul ball (with a photo of his ball)

July 2016
Profile: David Karpinski (also new member William Reichelt)
A. J. “Crash” Richard podcast on women in baseball
Image of cover of Terry Bohn’s book, Sunday Afternoons on the Prairie
Kyle “Herr Pie” Traynor to deliver Northwoods League Baby

June 2016
LaCrosse event coming up
Photo of panel discussion at the screening of Jon Leonoudakis’s documentary on Arnold Hano
Photo of Hans Van Slooten presenting on baseball-reference.com
New member Tiffany Haenfler
Charlie Levitt playing for Swarthmore College
Kyle Traynor does double duty as official scorer, draws nasty tweet from player’s mom
Quote of the Month – From Bill Mathews on official scoring

May 2016
Hans Van Slooten to Make Presentation on Baseball-reference.com May 16 in Roseville
Jon Leonoudakis bringing his documentary about Arnold Hano to Minneapolis
Chapter meeting tops 40 for the first time – photo of featured guest Julio Becquer
Profile: Mark “Rumbleshorts” Sannes (also new member Julian Hissonk)
Michael Fallon’s book about the 1977-78 Dodgers has been published
Tom Rooney conducting series of baseball classes

April 2016
Photo of Julio Becquer, featured guest at upcoming chapter meeting (for the third damn straight month)
Candidate statements from Gene Gomes and Brent Heutmaker
Profile: Joel Wyttenhove
Spring training photos of Jerry Janzen and Stew Thornley and a Hooters waitress

March 2016
Photo of Julio Becquer, featured guest at upcoming chapter meeting
Profile: Tom Rooney (also new members David Henly and David Entler)
Frank White website about Minnesota black baseball

February 2016
Photo of Julio Becquer, featured guest at upcoming chapter meeting
Kepples reach the finals at the Twins Fantasy Camp, with photo of Bert Blyleven at Kangaroo Court
Photos of the Kepples at Fantasy Camp
Photo of player on the ground, holding his nuts
Profiles: Jacob Carl and Kathy Gorman (also new members Daniel Wilson and Tom Rooney)
John Swol website, Twins Trivia
Image of cover for Jeff Bozovsky’s book, Divorcees, Barmaids, and Cranks
Photo of members at chapter table at Twinsfest
Photo of Kyle “V-Man” Traynor in the replay center in New York

January 2016
New members Wayne Williams and Stephen Lee

December 2015
New members Roger Peterson, Hal Campbell, and John Hall
Joe Niese to receive award from the Wisconsin Baseball Coaches Association

November 2015
Photo of Mike Berardino, featured guest at Fall Chapter meeting
Profile: James J. “Jim” Hart (also new member Stephen Lee)
1965 Twins Book Published
Link to story about former Saints star Eric Tipton with narration by Heywood Hale Broun
Link to NOT Top 10 Plays of the 1st Half of the Major League Baseball Season

October 2015
Profile: Kyle Traynor, gynecologist (also new members Carl Rogan, James Hurt, Jeff Williams, Jay Fetyko)
Photos of Emma Charlesworth-Seiler pitching
Charles Clark to host SABR members in Clear Lake

September 2015
New member David Karpinski

August 2015
Dan Levitt receives Bob Davids Award at SABR convention
Emma Charlesworth-Seiler receives Jack Kavanagh Memorial Youth Baseball Award
Photos from SABR convention of Carlos May, Ron Kittle, Mike Huff, and Masanori Murakami
Photos from Wrigley Field during the convention, including of some clueless crippled guy waiting for an elevator that never came
Profile: Steve Bratkovich
Photo of townball outing to Delano

June-July 2015
Picture of Sean Aronson, featured guest at chapter meetings, with boxer shorts with a weiner on them
Blast from the Past photo: 1985 trip to visit Burleigh Grimes
Links to Star Tribune stories about Lee Temanson, Mendal Mearkle, Hans Van Slooten, S. Thornley, and Seth C. “Dr. Fan” Hawkins

May 2015
Candidate statements from Tom Flynn and Lloyd Kepple
Hans Van Slooten becomes primary developer for baseball-reference.com
Profile: Adam Platt
Anthony Bush provides image of Babe Ruth’s draft card

April 2015
Profiles: Ryan Coomes and Will Young
Photo of event with cooking from Josh Ostergaard’s Royals Recipes cookbook
Answers to the Gene Gomes brainteasers from the previous issue
Photos of World Series and All-Star Game rings

March 2015
Photo of Joe Towalski interviewing Kirby Puckett
New book, In Pursuit of Pennants, from Dan Levitt and Mark Armour and their list of the top 25 general managers
Image of cover of Joe Niese’s new book on Andy Pafko
Photo of official scorers meeting in New York and of Commissioner Rob Manfred addressing the group
Gene Gomes brainteasers

February 2015
Photo from Twinsfest
Profile: Mark Richard (also new member Andrew Ettel)
Lloyd Kepple plays on championship team at Twins fantasy camp

January 2015
Profile: Joe Towalski (also new member Zack Siegel)

December 2014
Chapter by-laws revision proposed
George Rekela has book published on the history of professional hockey in Minnesota

November 2014
Josh Ostergaard gets positive book review in New York Times and is published in The New Yorker
Profiles: Dan Murphy, Jim McKernon, and Brent Heutmaker (also new member Michael Freske)

October 2014
Profile: Erik Hoff

September 2014
Mike Haupert Wins Doug Pappas Award for Best Presentation at SABR Convention
Photo from SABR convention in Houston of Roger Clemens and Jim Gilligan
Photo of Carson Park in Eau Claire and SABR members in front of the Hank Aaron bust
All-Star Game Fanfest panels include many chapter members

August 2014
Josh Ostergaard’s The Devil’s Snake Curve in New York Times Sunday Book Review
Photo of Page Fence Giants team, with William Binga, and new grave marker for Binga
Photos of the All-Star Game and from a Fanfest panel, as well as a local D-list personality and media whore on WCCO Radio at Fanfest
Photos from the Clean Zone BBQ at Grumpy’s the night of the All-Star Game

July 2014
Picture of Northwoods League game in Rochester
Photo of state baseball tournament at Target Field
Lloyd Kepple raises Twins Territory flag before June 5 game
Profile: Jim McNearny

June 2014
Profile: Brian Williams (also new members Rachel Makarral and Jim McNearny)

May 2014
Photo of Roy Smalley at chapter meeting
Tom Flynn new social media director; chapter Facebook and Twitter accounts started
Photo of Bob Evans with Willie Mays jersey on Antiques Roadshow
Seth C. “Dr. Fan” Hawkins gets to 77th stadium, in Sydney

April 2014
Board candidate statements from Jerry Janzen, Gene Gomes, Stew Thornley
John Rosengren has book published on Juan Marichal-John Roseboro fight
Tim Wendel and local author of Twins book to speak at SubText Books
New members Charles Saeger, Jeff Lenz, Steve Hobbs, and Mark Olson

March 2014
Profile: Michael Forsythe (also new member David Hill)
SABR announces book about 1965 Twins

February 2014
Chapter members to speak and display at baseball event for Black History Month in Bloomington
Photo of Doug Skipper (who took over Twinsfest duties from Rich Arpi) and others at Twinsfest
Photo of Lloyd and Ben Kepple at the Twins Fantasy Camp

January 2014
From the archives: list of Halsey Hall Chapter charter members

December 2013
Profile: Brian Madigan and Patrick Fineran (also new members Nicholas Campion, Charles Crutchfield)
Bob Tholkes attends the Forbes Field SABR meeting in Pittsburgh and made a research presentation
Hans Van Slooten joins Sports Reference
Blast from the Past photo: 1985 trip to visit Burleigh Grimes

November 2013
Photo of Cory Provus, guest speaker at chapter meeting
New members Tom Ludwig and Mario Vricella

October 2013
Photo of Vic Power stealing home against Cleveland July 19, 1962
Dan Cagley narrates video of baseball items in the Minnesota Historical Society archives
Sarah Johnson comes across a site for state history, Minnesota Reflections, with baseball photos

September 2013
Photos of baseball in Davenport, Field of Dreams, and Howard Lake
Writing opportunities for SABR Baseball in the Media Committee and Seamheads

August 2013
Picture with Harley D. Husky at Duluth Northwoods League game
Joel Rippel’s book, Game of My Life Minnesota Gophers: Memorable Stories of Gopher Football, is been re-released
Joe Niese writing a biography of Andy Pafko

July 2013
Profile: Aaron Sinner

June 2013
Dan Levitt Receives Larry Ritter Award
Dan Levitt collaborates on the spread of integration after Jackie Robinson
Joe Niese has biography of Burleigh Grimes published
Photo of Tom Dunkel speaking at Common Goods Book
A Celebration of Baseball conference in LaCrosse canceled
Profile: Josh Ostergaard (also new member David Campbell)
Photo of Big Ten baseball tournament at Target Field
Photo of Twins players modeling 1948 Milwaukee Brewers and St. Paul Saints uniforms

May 2013
Photo of Jim Rantz, featured speaker at chapter meeting

April 2013
A Celebration of Baseball conference scheduled for LaCrosse
Joel Rippel assembles list of Minnesota Gophers no-hitters
Photo of Gophers playing in Texas at Clark Field, with chalk cliffs in center field
Clipping of 1877 articles about Twin Cities teams trying to recruit the Younger brothers
Link to Minnesota Twins Home Postponements, 1961-2009
Link to list of major-league annual salary leaders, 1874-2012
Link to game-by-game results of all Minneapolis Millers games from 1884 to 1960
March 2013
New member Jim Swanson

February 2013
New members Connie Hill, John Gallo, and James Hentges
Dead or Alive quiz
Barry Bengtsson on Cubaball trip

January 2013
New members Todd Johnson and Frank Kadwell
Paul Hensler book, The American League in Transition, 1965-1975
Photo of Bob Evans when he played for Lehigh University and in a Gophers uniform

December 2012
Photo of Tom Edwards in Polo Grounds seat – announcement of visit to see him memorabilia

November 2012
Frank White Receives Virginia Kunz Award from the Ramsey County Historical Society
Profiles: Jeff Lenz and Leanne Rohrbach
Project: Early Baseball in Minnesota and The Spread of Baseball project
Minutes of Board and Chapter Meetings on on-line
Phyllis Thornley dies (picture of her with Joe Hauser)

October 2012
Photo of Mark Merila, featured speaker at chapter meeting
New members Greg Frank, Phil Miller, and Jack Friebe
Howard Luloff honored at St. Louis Park High School for his public-address announcing
Authors attend signing for Short But Wondrous Summers
Howard Luloff’s Jeopardy Quiz

September 2012
Profiles: Jeff Bozovsky and Jackson Timm (also new member Greg Frank)
Satchel Paige Signature found in 1965 scorebook (with image)

August 2012
Former SABR guest Nancy Mudge Cato dies
Profiles: Anthony Bush, Michael Mitchell, and Jim Lee (also new members David Oar and Aaron McClintock)

July 2012
Fred Souba dies
Photos of SABR convention in Minneapolis
Profile: Steve Ginader
Roger Godin donate Twins media guides to Minnesota Historical Society
Beyond the Box Score on Tyler Robertson of the Twins striking on the side in his debut

June 2012
Profiles: Sarah Johnson, Benjamin Wiggins, and Gene Zavadil
Joel Rippel’s biography of Dick Siebert published
Opportunity to be a blogger on Twins Daily

May 2012
Photo of Clark Griffith, featured guest at chapter meeting
Baseball’s Timeless Appeal essay by Clark C. Griffith
Photo of Dan Levitt, Vince Gennaro, and Marc Appleman at Target Field
Baseball quiz about Dick Nutt being the Macalester baseball coach in 1906
African American Baseball Exhibit in Dunn County
Visiting grave hunter looking for a place to lay out
Beyond the Box Score tidbits
Kristin Anderson and Chris Kimball solve the mystery photo
Photo of Paul Molitor, S. Thornley, and John Bonnes on panel at Target Field
Jerry Janzen joins Bethel College board of directors
Lee Temanson throws out ceremonial first pitch
Fritz Reeker goes to spring training in Florida for the 22nd straight year
Profiles: Hans Van Slooten and Wayne Leebaw

April 2012
Photo of Dan Levitt with Babe Ruth’s daughter
Baseball: America’s Game Exhibit and SABR Author Event at Minneapolis Library April 10
Candidate statements from Jerry Janzen, Howard Luloff, and Stew Thornley
Separated at birth: photo of Mark Johnson, who looks like Ron Gardenhire
Photo from first-ever meeting of official scorers in New York
No longer getting new-member updates from SABR

March 2012
Baseball: America’s Game Exhibit and SABR Author Event at Minneapolis Library
Gene Mack drawing of Casey at the Boudoir and list of his stadium drawings in The Sporting News
No longer getting new-member updates from SABR
Still Time to Vote for the All-Region Hall of Honor

February 2012
Vote for the All-Region Hall of Honor
New members Jake Lunemann and Alex Rice

January 2012
No longer getting new-member updates from SABR
Proofreaders sought for Burlie Greimz book
Dan Levitt Has Three Articles in Can He Play?
Analogies as Good or Bad as a Camilo Pascual Curve Ball or a Tsuyoshi Nishioka Swing
Answers to trivia quiz in the December issue

December 2011
Schedule and events for the SABR convention in Minneapolis
Photo of November 5 Hot Stove Saturday Morning at Bakers Square
Monument Planned for Millers and Saints
Photo of Fred Souba on the cover of Sports Collectors Digest
Minnesota African American Museum to Open with Baseball Exhibit
Trivia quiz (same one given to Twins employees for MLB Network competition)

November 2011
Photo of Mr. Ed in a Dodgers cap
Photo of Ron Coomer, featured guest at the chapter meeting
Profile: Rich Bogovich and Jim Storm
Frank White exhibit on black baseball at the Rondo Community Outreach Library
Brenda Himrich and her husband get cat named after Mickey Mantle (with photo of cat watching the World Series)

October 2011
Dates set for SABR convention in Minneapolis
Profiles: Joe Niese, Jim Barnett, Frank Matthew White (also new member Richard Bogovich)
Picture of chapter members who went to the Moneyball movie

September 2011
A-Rod the cat dies (with photo of A-Rod watching A-Rod on television)
Trent McCotter notes rarity in Yankees-Twins game (Russell Martin becoming only the third Yankee to catch and play second base in the same game).

August 2011 Bonus Issue
Profile: Terry Bohn
Sharon Robinson to speak in St. Paul
Majors approach their 200,000th game

August 2011
Photos of SABR convention in Long Beach
Umpire card for Halsey Hall (although probably not our namesake)

July 2011
Photo of Harmon Killebrew’s memorial service at Target Field
Photo of warning sign for a parachute loading area, where a chapter member crashed while skydiving and broke a vertebra
Photo of Bob Feller’s grave

June 2011
Photo of Bill Smith, featured guest at chapter meeting
Profile: Michael Fallon (also new members Timothy Odzer and Jeff Evans)
Joel Rippel co-authors Minnesota Sports Trivia
From Beyond the Box Score:  Francisco Liriano of the Twins failed to become the first pitcher in 26,427 days, since Johnny Vander Meer in 1938, to throw back-to-back no-hitters in the bigs.

May 2011
Glenn Gostick dies (with photos)
Photo of Glenn Gostick giving the finger on the chapter television show, Baseball Roundtable
Former chapter member Dan Carey dies
New member Matt Dickinson
Candidate statements from Gary DeSmith, Art Mugalian, Brenda Himrich, and Fred Buckland
SABR gets new website
Todd Peterson a finalist for the 2011 Larry Ritter Award
Photos of authors doing signings and other things
Baseball History Class at Roosevelt High School

March-April 2011
John Thorn to appear at Fitzgerald Theater

March 2011
New member Fred Friedman

February 2011
Profiles: Scott Cummings, Herb Brunell, Zach Jendro (also new member Brandon Warne)
Howard Luloff has moved to Golden Valley, and his landlord is Craig Kusick’s sister-in-law

January 2011
Profile of returning member Scott Hall, who organized the first SABR meeting in Minnesota

December 2010
Photo of Thornley and Godin, the Moustache Gang, for Movember
Profiles: Allan Burdick and Arlo Lyle
Breakdown of World Series winners by wins in particular games

November 2010
Profiles: Marshall Tanick, Paul Manocchia, and Anthony Reel, aka Tony Garcia

October 2010
Blast from the Past: Photos of the 1965 Twins-Yankees opener (with construction of second deck in left field)
Name’s the Same of two athletes who played against the Twins and Vikings the same week in September 2010.
Profile: Clyde Doepner

September 2010
Blast from the Past: Photos of Iowa Fartland sign and chapter members in Clinton, Iowa
New member Ben Collin.
Phil Lowry has completed Baseball’s Longest Games book

August 2010
Minneapolis awarded 2012 SABR convention.
Photos from SABR convention in Atlanta, including group in front of Ty Cobb’s mausoleum
Photo of Seth C. “Dr. Fan” Hawkins making his first appearance at Target Field
Chapter member receives Tony Salin award from the Baseball Reliquary – photo of member with Arnold Hano and photo of Brenda Himrich getting an autograph from Clyde Wright at Angels game
New member Allan Burdick
Todd Peterson receives a Jerry Malloy Award

July 2010
Todd Peterson receives Yoseloff Baseball Research grant
Profile: Dave Beal
Baseball History Slide Show
Mendal Mearkle, Rich Arpi, and Cary Smith attend Keltner Chapter meeting in LaCrosse.  Mendal made a research presentation at the meeting, and Cary threw out the ceremonial first pitch for the game that night.
Howard Luloff spent three weekends in June doing public-address announcing for the Internation al Hockey Cup.
Roger Godin has a hockey book published
John Gregory’s daughter, the one who was temporarily lost at Wade Stadium in Duluth, was found and has graduated from Stanford.

June 2010
Photos from spring chapter meeting, including featured speaker Doug Grow
Doug Ernst keeping a video library of our chapter meetings
New member Chad Nordstrom
Photo of Cristian Guzman flying into a triple play

May 2010
Minnesotans in Baseball authors invited to book awards
Quickstep news

April 2010
Photo of Target Field
Minnesotans in Baseball is book award finalist.
New members Gary DeSmith, Kim Bartling, and Jeff Jackson

March 2010
Profile: Galen Schroeder (also new members Mark Pysick and Bob Zauner)

February 2010
Profiles: John Swol and Mark Davidson (also new members William Hutchison, Tom Thompson, Galen Schroeder, Aaron Hutchison, Todd Johnson, and Carl Rogan)
Addition to baseball names on The Office

January 2010
Names are the same: baseball names on The Office
Profile: J. G. Preston

December 2009
Photo of Target Field
John Bonnes and fellow bloggers to write and edit the 2010 Twins Annual for Maple Street Press
Profile: George Savanick (also new member David Temple)

November 2009
TwinsCentric Offseason GM Handbook now available
New member Peter Olsen

October 2009
Preservation talk on history of St. Paul baseball
Profile: Jeff Roberts

September 2009
Chuck Blomquist dies
Profiles: Karl Larson and Dick “Richard” Marple

July-August 2009
Mike Haupert receives Yoseloff-SABR Baseball Research grant
Profile: Joshua Falk (also new members Emily Allison, David Moon, Scott Heikkinen, and Allie Gentry)

June 2009
David Laliberte to receive McFarland-SABR Award
Research primer updated
New member Michael Rozinka
Minnesotans in Baseball now in bookstores (with photo of author signing)

May 2009
Tom Swift’s book, Chief Bender’s Burden, receives Seymour Medal (with photo)
Candidate statement from Kevin Hennessy,
Minnesotans in Baseball published (with image of book cover)
Chapter members part of Twins author series
Aaron Gleeman has baseball column on MinnPost.com
John Bonnes editing Twins GameDay scorecard
Kevin Hennessy debuts as major-league-baseball official scorer (with photos)
Quicksteps news

April 2009
Johnny Blanchard, two-time chapter guest, dies
Words to Live By for researchers
Profile: Jim Hoey (also new member Dave Lande)

March 2009
Minnesotans in Baseball nearing completion
Name’s the Same
Hennessy named to official scoring crew for Twins games
Chapter member among SABR board candidates
Profiles: Lloyd Kepple, Cliff Wexler, and the Hamiltons, James IV, James V, and Shane (also new member Mike Hutchison)

February 2009
Chapter member among SABR board candidates
New members Emmanouil Skoufos, Mitchell Overbye, Jeff Masten, and Lloyd Kepple

January 2009
Dan Levitt article makes cover of Baseball Research Journal
December 2008
New member Joe Niese
Baseball Digest on-line

November 2008
Photo of Johnny Blanchard, featured guest at chapter meeting
Profile: Will Young (also new member Ed DeCelle)
Cary Smith gets grant to digitize photo collection
Members go on haunted hayride (with photos of two members with The Virgin Louisa Liece)

October 2008
Profile: Mitchell “Bucky” Fay
Articles from SABR Baseball Research Journal on-line

September 2008
Dr. Fan present for Ichiro milestones
Another Nasty Little MLB Quiz from Dr. Fan
New members Paul Mumma, James Hamilton, and Shane Hamilton

August 2008
Names the Same: Hall of Fame pitcher and original lead singer for the Village People
Writers sought for Baseball Digest Daily
Home Run Quiz
Laliberte Receives Yoseloff-SABR Baseball Research Grant
Donaldson Project recognized

July 2008
Quicksteps news

June 2008
Photo of Bob “Rocky” Johnson, featured guest at chapter meeting

May 2008
Photo of Dan Levitt, Peter Schilling, and Tom Swift at book signing
Profile: Tom “Wolf” Larson (also new members Jonathan Carter, Rebekah Billings, and Doug Kenison)
Dr. Fan reaches 72 stadiums
Condolences to Fritz Reeker on the death of his wife
Sports Grave Tour of Lakewood Cemetery on Memorial Day
Hu’s on First (photo)

April 2008
SABR author events
Quicksteps schedule

March 2008
Profiles: Dalton Little, Debbie Shattuck, and Alex Wenzel
Books published or to be published by Tom Swift, John Rosengren, Jim Johnson, and Peter Schilling

February 2008
Profiles: Matt Foss, Mick Hickok, and Arnold Hymanson (also new members Travis Christopherson, Debra Shattuck, Dalton Little)

January 2008
New member Dave Deming

December 2007
Profiles: Dave “Lali (pronounced Lolly)” Laliberte and Tom “King Tut” Tuttle (also new members Scott Iwen and Lisa Tourville)

November 2007
New Minnesota baseball elist
New member Dave Laliberte

October 2007
Photo of Spike Shannon’s grave
Names Are the Same
Profiles: John Baynes and Dain TePoel (also new member Jeffrey Schwenn)

September 2007
Peter Schilling gets publisher for book
Doc Hawk present for Glavine milestone
New members C. Schouweiler and Victor Wang

August 2007
Photos from SABR convention in St. Louis, including Bill Haller saying, “You should never read the paper when you’re in the crapper”
Profile: Nat Shepard

July 2007
Pete Hepokoski gets Ron Gardenhire to sign scorecard with Gardenhire’s first home run
New members Chris Larson and James Newes

June 2007
Photos of Jeff Nelson and Ray Christensen, featured guests at chapter meeting (including an image from Ray of a telegram he used to re-create games for broadcasts)
By-laws amendment passed
Research Committee to Pursue Book Project on Minnesota Natives in Baseball
Profiles: John Rosengren, Bruce Magidson, Tom Sheehan Flynn
Photo of Dr. Fan at The Ballpark at Disney’s Wide World of Sports, where he yelled at Raymond the Blue Gerbil, “Quit blocking my sightlines, you costumed pervert, or you’re dead!”

May 2007
Quicksteps to appear at Metrodome
Candidate statements from Doug Ernst and Stew Thornley

April 2007
Peter Schilling now writing on-line baseball column for City Pages
Herb Carneal dies
Hot Stove Saturday Morning still popular after nearly 10 years
Profile: Constance “Call Me Connie” Hill
Quicksteps set schedule

March 2007
Profile: Glen Herness (also new members Christopher Fee and John Caruso)
Baseball items displayed at Minnesota History Center
Paper of Record now free

February 2007
Photo of Howard Luloff auditioning to sing The Star Spangled Banner at a Twins game
Baseball events at Minnesota History Center
Elists serving Halsey Hall Chapter members and sports fans
Profiles: Anne Aronson (also new members Glen Herness, David Greisen, Mike Dorsher)
Phil Lowry seeking information on marathon games
Rich Arpi uncovers poem about Rube Waddell

January 2007
Profile: Jim Johnson (also new members John Bonnes, Jean Patrick, Anne Aronson)

December 2006
Profile: Blake Meyer
Cary Smith accepted to the Master of Library and Information Science program at the College of St. Catherine
John Gregory to be the chapter webmaster
Name’s the same: chapter member and one of Curt Flood’s lawyers

November 2006
Profile: Gary Hackenmueller

October 2006
Todd Peterson, Rex Hamann, and Mike Haupert receive Yoseloff-SABR research grants
Photo of David Wee presentation on “Baseball and American Culture”

September 2006
Lexington Park plaque unveiled again (with photos)

August 2006
Photos of SABR convention in Seattle, including Tom Hoffbeck receiving The Sporting News-SABR award and John Gregory getting a bottle knocked off his head by a flying salmon
Library tour
Photo of visiting SABR member John Hissrich
Dan Levitt attends auction at Southeby’s

July 2006
Steve Hoffbeck to receive SABR research award

June 2006
Photo of Mike Kingery and Dana Kiecker
Photo of Quicksteps in the Metrodome
Ned Ribback lobbies Hall of Fame to alter biographical sketch of Joe Sewell
Chapter annual report

May 2006
Profile: Herb Schaper
Jerry Janzen and his daughter attend two spring-training games on April Fool’s Day

April 2006
Baseball event at Mill City Museum April 6
Winston Wood moves to Chicago but remains umpire supervisor for the Northwoods League
Brenda Himrich and her husband adopt two cats who match their woodwork

March 2006
Profiles: Ross Lundberg and Dave Jensen
Quicksteps release schedule

February 2006
Photo of Cary Smith and Pete Gorton
First Research Roundtable held
Stringers sought for prep baseball site

January 2006
Roger Godin goes to his seventh Army-Navy game
Ponce Himrich dies
Photos of Joe Bauman monument and ballpark in Roswell, New Mexico

December 2005
Research Committee gets started
Pete Gorton seeks help with John Donaldson
Lexington Park plaque to be re-installed

November 2005
Photos of Howard “Hat’s Off” Luloff and Herb Carneal at chapter meeting
Brent Peterson and Dan Cagley featured on Public Television’s Almanac: Hands on History
Gregg Nelson watched his brother umpire the first two games of the World Series
Deano Thilgen mentioned in an article in the Wall Street Journal
Crusher Dead at 79 (with photo)
November birthdays

October 2005
Bob Strauss dies
Bill Stixrud married at the Metrodome while Ehron gets his on-screen proposal rejected (with picture of Ehron and Natalie)
Deano Thilgen compling a data base of digitized baseball articles in Minnesota newspapers.
Stew Thornley writes biography for young readers on Roberto Clemente, to be published by Lerner Publications of Minneapolis
Research Project page on the Halsey Hall web site has more information on research being done by members
October birthdays

September 2005
Jim Karn dies (with picture)
SABR hiring research services manager
Photo from the SABR convention in Toronto (of Yankees-Blue James game)
Brenda Himrich pedals through a clothing-optional beach on Toronto Island while at the convention
Quicksteps wrap up season
Roger Godin attends game in San Francisco
Kevin Hennessy’s son getting married
Brenda Himrich and her husband ride in B-25 and almost vomit (with photo)
Rich Arpi goes to state amateur tournament in Dassel and Hutchinson
Thrifty Mark Johnson goes to state fair on Transit Discount Day, gets reduced bus fair
Jerry Janzen has colonoscopy scheduled
September birthdays

August 2005
Current research projects
All invited to Bill Stixrud’s wedding at the Metrodome
Quicksteps news
Tom Swift the editor of Gameday program
Howard Luloff does public-address announcing for youth baseball tournament and meets Cal Ripken
Profiles: Tim Arnold and Pete Gorton
August birthdays

July 2005
Research Committee created
Quicksteps July schedule
July birthdays

June 2005 (pdf version)
Profile: Bill Branson
Top 8 chapter moments
June birthdays

May 2005 (pdf version)
Top chapter moments
Bob Karn wins 500th game
George Rekela has stroke
May birthdays

April 2005 (pdf version)
Profiles: Dan Hardy, Jodi Elowitz, and Robert Strauss (also new members Jim Fraasch and Tom Hedberg)
Celebration of Ron Replogle’s life
Jerry Janzen goes to Venezuela on business
Brenda Himrich elected to board of directors, has laser eye surgery, and models in a fashion show
April birthdays

March 2005 (pdf version)
Phil Lowry seeks and provides information about Athletic Park in Minneapolis
Name’s the Same
Jay Behrens to be official scorer for the Alexandria Beetles
Jim Wyman’s daughter plays in state high-school hockey tournament
March birthdays

February 2005 (pdf version)
Ron Replogle dies
Profile: Quentin Wittrock
Book on black baseball, with contributions by chapter members, to be published
Jim Thielman has book on 1965 Minnesota Twins published
Josh Levanthal compiles anthology on baseball writing
Roger Godin has book out about early hockey in Minnesota
Bob Evans appears on Antiques Road Show and has Willie Mays jersey appraised
Procedures for chapter offices and duties being developed and put on web site
Kevin Reichard a candidate for the SABR board of directors
Brenda Himrich and husband visit former home of Ted Williams (with photo)
Howard Luloff sings national anthem before high-school basketball game
Kyle Eliason involved in relationship that produces haemoorahagic spots on his neck
Photos from Twinsfest
February birthdays

January 2005 (pdf version)
New members  Dan Forstner, James Hamilton, Todd Peterson, Rob Muellerleile, Robert Strauss, Kevin Pittelko, Tim Peterson, Quentin Wittrock, and David Fairbairn
Change in newsletter format
January birthdays

December 2004 (pdf version)
David Trombley web site for Northern League
Future of the newsletter

November 2004 (pdf version)
Brewer book walks off

October 2004 (pdf version)
Roger Godin, S. Thornley, and Kyle McNary have books published

September 2004 (pdf version)
Profiles: Josh Levanthal and Kyle Eliason
List of state amateur champion
Lee Temanson notices that Jason Kubel’s name was misspelled in his first box score
Stew Thornley catches foul ball in press box

August 2004 (pdf version)
Phil Lowry provides and requests information about marathon games
Cary Smith wins trivia contest at SABR convention

July 2004 (pdf version)
Chapter procedures developed

June 2004 (pdf version)
Rex Hamann has book on American Association Milwaukee Brewers published

May 2004 (pdf version)
Spring meeting summary
By-laws amended

April 2004
Quicksteps to open 11th season

March 2004 (pdf version)
Chapter changes contemplated

February 2004 (pdf version)
New members Michael Cramer of Breezing Point, Kevin Reichard of Minnetonka ,and Gregg Nelson and Darrell Skogen of Maple Grove

January 2004 (pdf version)
Great American Fantasy League

December 2003 (pdf version)
Earl Battey dies
Bill Goff calendars available
2004 Opening Day coincides with opening of light rail
Bob Tholkes the keeper of videos of The On Deck Circle
New member Scott Iwen of Bloomington

November 2003 (pdf version)
Recap of fall chapter meeting
Tom Tuttle and Roger Godin have football books published
Another member has a book on Minnesota gravesites being published

October 2003 (pdf version)
Peter Schilling has on-line baseball magazine
Late games research request

September 2003 (pdf version)
Rain at Ohio Cup Festival
Results of amateur baseball

August 2003 (pdf version)
The Travels of Dr. Fan
Profile: Armand Peterson
Excessive donations from Kevin Hennessy, David Trombley, Ron Replogle, Ray Luurs, Julian Loscalzo

July 2003 (pdf version)
Writers sought for GameDay Daily
Other useful websites
Big inning for the Crusaders

June 2003 (pdf version)
Dan Levitt book event

May 2003 (pdf version)
Recap of spring meeting

April 2003 (pdf version)
Opening of Play Ball exhibit at History Center draws big crowd

March 2003 (pdf version)
Gophers beat Fighting Irish
Bob Tholkes looks to revive chapter television show
1850s/1860s Minnesota baseball research continues (update by Dean Thilgen)
Chapter authors: Roger Godin, Stew Thornley, Dan Levitt

February 2003 (pdf version)
Twinsfest traffic heavy
Bowie Kuhn to speak
Author news

January 2003 (pdf version)
New editor for The Holy Cow!
Roger Godin freezes his pattoties off
John Gregory’s progeny achieve success
Alan Holst sees all-star series in Japan from luxury suite with Howard Baker

December 2002 (pdf version)
Deano Thilgen receives vintage baseball award
Howard Luloff donates Jefferson High School programs to Wally’s Roast Beef Sandwiches
Before and After Hall of Fame name quiz
Ballpark calendars available

November 2002 (pdf version)
Ray Luurs moves to California
Rex Hamann catches Bret Boone’s foul ball
George Rekela gets a new dog
Paul Rittenhouse’s daughter leads in kills
Seth C. “Dr. Fan” Hawkins to host Slovenia exhibit at his museum
Brenda Himrich receives photography award
Name’s the Same: American League shortstop and National Basketball Association guard
Deano Thilgen, Jerry Janzen, and Dr. Fan featured in local news
Iowa-Minnesota trivia quiz
Profiles: Art Mugalian, Wayne “Bubba” Hensley, Jim Soderlund, and Harry Harrison
Holy Cow Extra to focus on collecting

October 2002 (pdf version)
Vintage Loggers go to Columbus
Joint meeting with Field of Dreams Chapter in Iowa

September 2002 (pdf version)
Dr. Fan receives Hilda Award from Baseball Reliquary (with photo)
Profiles: Jim Hoey and Scott Taylor
On Deck Circle television show coming back
Ron Replogle a Volunteer of Note for The Baseball Index
Fred Buckland and Jerry Janzen see games all over the place
Brenda Himrich going to Newfoundland
Phyllis Thornley the “Subway Fan of the Game” at the Metrodome
Cary Smith pictured in Fortune
Alan Holst’s All-Minnesota team
Chapter Chatter on-line newsletter for SABR chapters
Bob Tholkes donates to chapter
Melvin Mora the answer to a quiz that doesn’t appear in the html version (The answer was to “Name the Baltimore Orioles player who became the father to quintuplets last July.”)

August 2002 (pdf version)
Profile: David Wee
Alan Holst provides over Japanese Baseball Ceremony
Hitter by Ed Linn picked as the first selection for the new chapter book club
Paul Giel, who was a guest at our spring chapter meeting in 1992 and later died
Dr. Fan wins Hilda Award
Chuck Blomquist attends home opener at Les Capitales de Quebec at Le Stade
Dean Urdahl running for Minnesota House of Representatives

July 2002 (pdf version)
Alan Holst’s All-St. Paul team
Stew Thornley’s All-Missing-a-Body-Part Team
Rich Arpi sees nephew graduate from the Naval Academy
Fred Buckland goes to the Amana Marble Meet and also sees minor-league game
Jeff Brubaker wears Toronto apparel to Yankee Stadium and gets two sections to chant “Blue Jays Suck”
Profiles: Brian Mohr and John Bonnes, who has a son named after Wrigley Field
What’s behind people’s email names
The Baseball Index, begun by Ted Hathaway, now online
Electronic distribution of chapter publications

June 2002 (pdf version)
Profiles: Brad Zellar and Pat Coleman (aso new members David Hofseth and John Bonnes)
Howard Luloff does public-address announcing for the Rocky Nelson Diamond Classic
Roger Godin presents at the Society for International Hockey Researchers
Jed Levitt does Istanbul

May 2002 (pdf version)
Hep (Pete Hepokoski) Hops to Philly
Deano Thilgen watches Twins-Blue Jays game from SkyDome Hotel room, does not expose himself
Connie Hill and Barry Bengtsson go to eight spring-training games
Ray Luurs gets framed pictures of Eddie Collins from his wife for their 20th anniversary
Mark Johnson sees Rollie Fingers on his (Mark’s, not Rollie’s) 600th visit to the megamall
John “Bear” Hagemann has exhibit of baseball memorabilia at University of South Dakota
SABR president Claudia Perry on Jeopardy

April 2002 (pdf version)
Dan Levitt and Joel Rippel to have books published
Profiles: Tom Dolen and Orville Redding
Quiz on the two northernmost cities to host a World Series
Halsey Hall Chapter E-list/message board
Quicksteps prepare for 2002 season
Seth C. “Dr. Fan” Hawkins inflicting himself on relatives
Mark Johnson visits the Mall of America
George Rekela’s son becomes all-conference musician
Deano Thilgen presenting to Vintage Base Ball Association convention

March 2002 (pdf version)
The Breakfast Club visits a cemetery
SABR founder Bob Davids dies
American Association Almanac
Marc Hugunin elected to Washington County Historical Society board of directors
Phyllis Thornley gets new left knee to go with new right knee
Profiles: Tom Swift and Winston Wood

February 2002 (pdf version)
Rich Wolf dies
Quiz about Cary Grant movie that opens with a brawl at Ebbets Field and Name’s the Same
Rich Arpi, Deano Thilgen, and Dan Cagley working on the Minnesota 19th-Century Base Ball Project
Mark Johnson shakes hands with prospective Twins owner Donald Watkins and chats up Harold Reynolds
Photo of Eddie Mathews’s grave, the last Hall of Fame grave needed by a morbid member

January 2002 (pdf version)
More contraction reaction
Bud Selig acknowledges newsletter
Name’s the Same
Connie Hill quoted on lutefisk
Tom Tuttle writes book about Minnesota Wild
Jim Karn inducted into the Minnesota Amateur Baseball Hall of Fame
Howard Luloff gets cogent comment into Star Tribune’s Rants and Raves
George Rekela named publisher of Southside Journal
Profile: Dean Huls

December 2001 (pdf version)
Jerry Janzen on the mound at Tiger Stadium (with photo)
Contraction reaction
Baseball calendars available

November 2001 (pdf version)
Dan Levitt quiz on the 12 managers who won back-to-back pennants in the expansion era
Cary Smith interviews Max Manning
Profiles: Rex Hamann, Lou Michaels, Jeff Brubaker, Dean Urdahl, Ron Henry, Geoffrey Dayne Luurs
November birthdays

October 2001 (pdf version)
Sarge Upton inducted into the Quad States Baseball League Hall of Fame
Brenda Himrich and unindicted co-conspirator granted post-authorization for unauthorized visit to Cuba
Glenn Gostick quoted by Patrick Reusse
Erin Smith at Hall of Fame induction ceremonies and begins teaching at White Bear Lake High School
Jerry Janzen sees Barry Bonds hit 60th home run
Profile: Peter Schilling
October birthdays

September 2001 (pdf version)
Deano Thilgen named chapter webmaster
Nic Antoine seeks experts
Barry Bengtsson and Connie Hill in Cooperstown for induction ceremonies
Howard Luloff wins $5 Quickie Mart gift certificate at Beloit Snappers game
Rich Wolf sees Twins-Orioles game in Baltimore
Sarge Upton attends Vikings practice and drives home radio personality who had a heart attack
Profile: Pat Lewis
September birthdays

August 2001 (pdf version)
Photo of Bud Selig speaking at SABR convention
Bob Tholkes uncovers information about Andrew M. Thompson, 1884 St. Paul manager
Peter Morris uncovers information that Andrew M. Thompson died
Ted Hathaway launches Rational Pastimes Sports Research and Information Services
Chuck Blomquist, Deano Thilgen, Seth C. “Dr. Fan” Hawkins, Jerry Janzen, and Fred Buckland attend games all over the place
August birthdays

July 2001 (pdf version)
Ray Luurs watches person in front of him in line rob Marquette Bank
Howard Luloff does public-address announcing for track meet
Mark Johnson gets foul ball
July birthdays

June 2001 (pdf version)
Pete Hepokoski an Agnew Winner – Spiro Agnew anagrams other than “Grow a Penis”
John Gordon to be inducted into Hall of Fame for the South Atlantic and Western Carolina Leagues
Connie Hill and Barry Bentsson dodge tornadoes coming back from Twins series in Kansas City
Bob Tholkes tracks down James Banning

May 2001 (pdf version)
Profiles: Fritz Reeker, Don “Pieso” Hammer, John Dobratz, Paul Malone
Ray Luurs holds door for Juan Berenguer at Eden Prairie post office
Jerry Janzen sees (and hears) cousin Anna Gambucci sing The Star Spangled Banner before Twins game
Dr. Fan does anagrams on Doug Mientkiewicz (with quiz on disgusting anagram for Spiro Agnew)
May birthdays

April 2001 (pdf version)
SABR involvement in Minnesota History Day
Profile: Erin Moore
Jerry Janzen shares hot tub with Tony Oliva
Brenda Himrich and husband visit Cuba
Lee Temanson has letter published in USA Today Baseball Weekly
Lexington Park plaque taken down as building is set for demolition
April birthdays

March 2001 (pdf version)
Profiles: Scott Magnuson and Mike “Sarge” Upton
March birthdays

February 2001 (pdf version)
Building on Lexington Park to be demolished (with photos from 1994 plaque ceremony)
Bob Tholkes stalks more dead people, adds another horse to family
Deano Thilgen’s dad part of music history exhibit at the Minnesota History Center
Name’s the Same
February birthdays

January 2001 (pdf version)
Profile: Joel Rippel, Dave Hahn (with his art work in pdf version), and Chuck Blomquist
Jim Bouton speaks at Barnes & Noble (photo in pdf version only)
Holy Cow Extra to focus on collecting
Cool baseball and research websites
Lee Temanson generates 1,000th hit on chapter website
January birthdays

December 2000 (pdf version)
New members Rob Malec and Dick Unruh
December birthdays

November 2000 (pdf version)
Fred Buckland gets Rafael Palmeiro’s 399th home run ball
Profile: Deano Thilgen
Kevin Hennessy meets Ron Coomer in Midway Airport restroom
November birthdays

October 2000 (pdf version)
New member Kristin Anderson
Ray Luurs sees a triple play in Cleveland
Brenda Himrich sees an auto-erotic performance by Bucky the Otter at Aquarium of the Americas
October birthdays

September 2000 (pdf version)
Mark Johnson selected as one of the nine Twins all-time fans
Glenn Gostick compiles list of players ranked by home-run dominance
Howard Luloff wins dry-cleaning certificate at Saints game
Profile: Jeremy “Jed” Levitt
New members Dick Jonckowski and Bob Karn
September birthdays

August 2000 (pdf version)
Photo of Eldon Auker and Monte Irvin at SABR convention in West Palm Beach
Kevin Hennessy completes 1920 season for Retrosheet
Profile: Frank Bigelow
August birthdays
Quicksteps keep rolling

July 2000 (pdf version)
Rich Arpi continues bibliography work
KARE-11 features area ballparks with talking heads from Halsey Hall Chapter
Profiles: Rich Wolf and Ray Luurs
July birthdays

June 2000 (pdf version)
Bruce Stone dies
SABR members see Cal Ripken’s 3,000th hit
Profiles: Gregg Arlen Omoth, John Gordon, and Tracy Tool
June birthdays

May 2000 (pdf version)
Photo of Dr. Fan-san in Tokyo
Quotation from Bill Veeck
Profiles: Julian Empson “Crash” Loscalzo, John Robert McFarland, Dave Hahn, Marc Hugunin, John “Bear” Hagemann
Mark Johnson brainteaser
Tom Tuttle gets baseball book published
Proposed by-law amendments on publications
May birthdays

April 2000 (pdf version)
Photo of Bobby Cox signing an autograph
April birthdays

March 2000 (pdf version)
Photo of Howard Luloff and Cary Smith staffing chapter table at Twinsfest
Trivia from Ray Luurs
Ned Ribback makes donation
Lee Temanson looking for fantasy baseball league
Déjà vu All Over Again regarding Zoilo Versalles
March birthdays

February 2000 (pdf version)
Profile: Joe O’Connell
Name’s the Same: Kent State victim and author of Down to the Wire
Kudos for Brent Peterson
John Gregory and Ted Hathaway resign from SABR Internet Committee
February birthdays

January 2000 (pdf version)
Profile: Dennis Irons
Quiz about Cy Young Award recipients who are convicted felons
Mark Johnson sees John Thompson and think he sees Max Winter (who is currently dead)
Ron Replogle continuing to read text books for the blind
S. Thornley visits Aunt Bee’s grave
Kevin Hennesy delivers pro-stadium editorial on Minnesota Public Radio’s All Things Considered
It’s Happened Since the Cubs Last Won a World Series
January birthdays

December 1999 (pdf version)
First Holy Cow! Extra to feature expatriates
Name’s the Same: Kent State victim and former Milwaukee Brewers catcher
On Deck Circle wraps up 9-year run
Alan Holst and news from abroad
List of numbers worn by Tigers to honor former stars in final game at Tiger Stadium
Mark Johnson meets Clark Griffith in a train depot and goes to memorial service for Calvin Griffith
December birthdays

November 1999 (pdf version)
Photo of Harmon Killebrew at fall chapter meeting
Who Am I? and Name’s the Same
Glenn Gostick loads up at bargain table
Brenda Himrich and current husband go to South Dakota and Wyoming
S. Thornley meets Enola Gay bombardier Tom Ferebee
Profile: Fred Buckland
November birthdays

October 1999 (pdf version)
Newsletter changes
SABR members at Eric Milton no-hitter
Profile: Ray Luurs
October birthdays

Mule Droppings/Mule Kicks
October 1995
Photo of Brenda Himrich with Harry Caray and photo by Brenda Himrich of Greg Maddux

November 1995
Profiles: Tom Swift and Terry Bohn
Chapter poll on baseball awards
Auction nets $179.50

December 1995
Profile: Seth C. “Dr. Fan” Hawkins
Photos of Babe Ruth Hall of Fame plaque and grave
Jerry Janzen working with original Twins ballboy
Brenda Himrich getting hitched
Howard Luloff advised not to enter the cemetery business
Quiz on two northernmost cities to host the World Series

January 1996
Hep Hops to Stay Hip (Pete Hepokoski attending all major-league stadiums)
John Gregory in the news – chapter website listed in USA Today Baseball Weekly
Answer to December quiz

February 1996
Profile: Howard Luloff

March 1996
Rockwell Revealed: Last of the Sixth painting
Profile: William Stixrud
Pete Hepokoski’s Minnesota-Philadelphia team
Research Needs: John Barnes and community baseball teams in Minnesota

April 1996
Pace of Games analysis
Nancy Jo Leachman wins 40-ounce can of North Carolina Goobers
Alan Holst and family visit Lake Titicaca

May 1996
Pace of Games – Part II
John “Stretch” Gregory visits parents, the Gregorys

June 1996
John Gregory Leaving Us
Profile: Frank Bigelow
Separated at Birth: Merle Haggard and George Rekela
Rockwell Revisted: Last of the Sixth painting (with quiz)

July 1996
Profile: Erick Reinikka
Bounding Balls: Another Burns Boner; Not Using Their Beans
Last of the Sixth quiz answer
Angie Tholkes quits castrating pigs, takes job at Dayton’s instead

August 1996
Profile: Jerry Janzen
A Few Good Bermanisms
Heard at Brenda Himrich’s Old Lady Softball League: “I lost it in my bifocals.”
Twins players rate Twins fans as poor in USA Today Baseball Weekly poll
George Rekela gets a foul ball

September 1996
Photo of Herb Carneal receiving the Ford Frick Award in Cooperstown
Dr. Fan Does Monterrey (with photo)
The Not Quite Cals – reasons players have been injured

October 1996
History of the Halsey Hall Chapter – Part 1
B. C. baseball cartoon

November 1996
History of the Halsey Hall Chapter – Part 2
Photo of chapter member with Beaver Cleaver and Eddie Haskell
Glenn Gostick fills spare time after umpiring 173 games by making obscene phone calls
Chapter poll for baseball awards
Dr. Seth Hawkins moderating “Dr. Hawkins’ Great Speeches Series”

December 1996
Glenn Gostick quiz
Ralph Nader on baseball
Paul Rittenhouse clings to lead in fantasy league
Peanuts baseball cartoon

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