Procedures for the Newsletter
Adopted 4/3/2005
Revised 10/3/2010
Revised 4/3/2011
Revised 8/10/2014
Since its inception in 1985, the Halsey Hall Chapter has published a
monthly newsletter, The Holy Cow! Although the focus of the newsletter content
has varied through the years, it has evolved into one in which the focus has
been on chapter and member news.
Ideally, the newsletter editor will seek out information about members
and their activities as well as information on new members for the purpose of
introducing them in the newsletter.
Information regarding chapter events is a priority, and it is
recommended that the editor attend board meetings. If this is not possible, a representative of
the board should transmit relevant information to the editor after each meeting.
The newsletter should be produced in an html (web-based) format. When it is complete, the html file should be
sent to the webmaster, who will post the current issue to the chapter web
site. After the current issue is posted,
the editor will send out a notice of the posting to chapter members with e-mail
addresses through SABR web site. This can be accessed by loggins in on the SABR Admin site and then:
The Halsey Hall Chapter will follow the accessibility standards below for its web-based publications:
• Each page should have a descriptive and unique title.
• Links should be well labeled so that the link title clearly indicates the page it leads to.
• Link titles must be clear, informative, and able to stand alone.
• Links to a graphic should be added only to serve as an enhancement to the regular links and navigation.
• Each image must have a complete alternative text description (ALT tag). ALT tags must be clear and informative for each image. The text should include the image description and, if appropriate, the function.
• Table widths must be set by percents (and not more than 100 percent).
Linking to PDF Files
• The following information must be contained within the link: title of the document, type of file, file size, and number of pages, such as (PDF: 82KB/1 pages).