Section 1-Name
This organization shall be called the Halsey Hall Chapter of the Society for American Baseball Research.
Section 2-By-Laws
These By-Laws are intended to supplement and be deemed subordinate to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR). Wherever any conflict shall arise between any provisions thereof and such Constitution and By-Laws of SABR, the latter shall prevail. The Halsey Hall Chapter will follow all provisions of SABR, including SABRs Code of Conduct.
Section 3-Meetings
The board of directors shall establish the dates and locations of spring and fall chapter meetings. A quorum shall consist of a majority of board members for meetings of the board of directors and at least 10 chapter members for semi-annual business meetings. For voting and quorum purposes, telephone or electronic means of attendance shall be treated as equivalent to in-person attendance.
Section 1-Publications and Web Site
The board of directors shall oversee the management of a web site as well as determine the publications to be distributed to members and determine the fees, if any, to be charged.
Section 2-Publication Editors/Webmaster/Social Media Director
The editor(s) of chapter publications and the webmaster (and assistant webmasters, if appropriate), and director of social media shall be appointed by the board of directors to a term of one year. The term shall start January 1. The term is renewable.
Section 1-Officers
At the spring chapter meeting the membership shall elect to the board of directors three members in even-numbered years and four members in odd-numbered years. The seven members of the incoming board of directors shall meet to elect, from among them, a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The President shall appoint a chair for the nominating committee. The Vice President shall appoint chairs to all other standing committees in addition to serving as an ex-officio member of all committees.
Membership in SABR is required to serve on the Halsey Hall Chapter board of directors.
Section 2-Terms of Office
Directors shall serve a term of two years and officers of the board a term of one year. The term shall start July 1.
Section 3-Vacating of Positions
If a vacancy on the board of directors occurs, a special election shall be held by the membership at the next chapter meeting to fill the unexpired term. If an officer of the board of directors vacates his or her officer position, the board of directors shall hold an election at their next board meeting to fill the office from among the remaining board members.
Section 1-Procedure for Amending By-Laws
These By-Laws may be amended by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting at the spring or fall meeting.
Section 2-Policies and Rules
The board of directors and/or the membership at a spring or fall chapter meeting is empowered to formulate and write policies or rules relating to chapter business. These policies or rules may be passed by a simple majority of those present and voting. Any policy or rule set by the board of directors may be rescinded by a three-fifths vote of the members present and voting at a spring or fall chapter meeting. Any policies or rules so formulated must be consistent with the Halsey Hall Chapter By-Laws and the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society for American Baseball Research.
Section 1-Approval Process
Individual members of the board of directors are authorized to spend up to $100.00 for items such as stamps and supplies that are routine for the functioning of the chapter. Appropriations of chapter funds that are not routine for the functioning of the chapter or in excess of $100 must be approved in advance by the board of directors.
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